- 3
NoSuch Issues
#38 opened by ValeTheVioletMote - 19
Can't connect to server using serversync, receiving EOFException
#42 opened by syndicate25 - 10
New configs will not overwrite existing configs of the same name.
#43 opened by CrowAU - 1
Serversync does not load with forge for 1.10.2 +
#44 opened by rheimus - 6
[Server][Feature Request] Create connection whitelist/blacklist ability
#45 opened by rheimus - 2
Create forge loaded versions of ServerSync
#48 opened by rheimus - 4
Bug? It tries to synchronize the folder ..\..
#49 opened by XkrulesLP13 - 1
Need a config Ignore list
#50 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 5
I am a bit lost on instructions can you break it down for stupid people like myself?
#46 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 9
Need a way to pass config folder and subfolders in root folder for mods like pokecube which contain multiple sub folders.
#47 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 3
Failed to parse as JSON
#51 opened by ivardensphere - 2
Wrong folder
#52 opened by TomberWolf - 4
Can't use other ports
#53 opened by indoorsNB - 3
Mod rejection when joining server
#54 opened by syndicate25 - 5
MC 1.10.2 - Failed to Sync Files?
#56 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 4
Request (Minor) - 1.10.2 Forgeloaded mod and folder reject wilcard support
#57 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 7
Request - Needs a Log of Changes to avoid loading times
#58 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 8
Extreme Console Spam Cannot Upload to Gist Please help @.@
#59 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 6
Forge Loaded Version forces itself client side to join server
#60 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
Locale case sensitivity
#63 opened by rheimus - 3
MC-1.10.2 Major Request Serverside
#55 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 57
Silent run as client
#65 opened by TomberWolf - 2
Issue - Failing to Include Configs
#64 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 17
Request: Run ServerSync when Joining Server
#67 opened by Paradigm999 - 7
Client Side Ignore Issue
#66 opened by Paradigm999 - 4
Failure to access files
#68 opened by rheimus - 1
Update required when it is really not
#69 opened by rheimus - 4
Console lag
#70 opened by rheimus - 13
Simplify exclusion / inclusion lists
#71 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 18
Will not delete removed files.
#72 opened by BreeOge - 9
[Linux] Files download to home folder, regardless of jar-file's location (add fallback options for SS location)
#73 opened by oitsjustjose - 0
Following sym-links
#74 opened by rheimus - 2
[Server][Feature Request] Thread queue for incoming connections
#75 opened by rheimus - 1
Port issues
#76 opened by ElSaam - 11
[Client] Null pointer in mod comparison
#77 opened by SvEgiiVEteR - 2
Server Side Only mods
#78 opened by Endmateria - 3
Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
#79 opened by EvilBob01 - 3
ServerSync takes long time after finishing
#80 opened by TomberWolf - 13
[Suggestion] Autostart & autoclose command line switches
#81 opened by cragrim - 9
Sometimes, older mods won't be removed / synced
#82 opened by TomberWolf - 3
No sync for config file
#83 opened by TomberWolf - 2
Request - ServerSync 1.12.1 Please and Thank you
#84 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 3
Information - Updated Tutorials on MultiMc use of Server Sync
#85 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 19
[Client] updates the file then deletes the file
#86 opened by frakier - 3
Feature request [1.7.10]
#87 opened by syndicate25 - 3
clientmods folder and non jar file
#89 opened by frakier - 2
Ignore and Include lists
#88 opened by frakier - 2
Serversync doesn't ignore certain subfolders in config
#90 opened by vico93 - 1
Server to Client Config Push Failure
#91 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 4
[Client][Feature Request] Hold a list of remembered server addresses
#92 opened by rheimus