Small Ships [Fabric & Forge]

Small Ships [Fabric & Forge]


now with cannons!

Alpha 2.0.0:

*this update includes only the cog and brigg for now.
*this update has no config file.
*this update has no crafting recipes.

You may experience data loss or corruption when upgrading to this version!

Want to host a server to play Small Ships with your friends?

Rent your own minecraft server here
More information on how to set it up here

Join my Discord!

check out my other mods:

Hire Villager Workers and let them farm, mine or even fish for you!

Recruit Villagers and command them into war!

 Tame Camels and make your own caravans!

By Default:

Place the ship far away from you, into water. They need space to spawn.

Use Right Click to sit in the ship.

Whilesitting in the Ship:   

Press "R" to open/close the Ships Sail. 

Or Press "J" to increase and "K" to decrease the Sail.

Press "I" to open/close the Ships Inventroy.

In Thrid Person View with F5 , scroll with you Mousewheel to change the distance of the View.

To dismount all entities from the ship, use crouch+right-click on the ship.

To dismount one entity from the ship, use crouch+right-click on the entity.

To open the Inventory outside of the ship,  use crouch+right-click on the ship.


To add a cannon on your ship you need to right click the ship with a cannon in your hand.

To shoot the cannon, you need to look in the direction of the cannon and press "space", while sitting in the ship. Note that you need to have gunpowder and a round shot in the ships inventory.

The Key-Bind can be changed in the options.

Old Description:


The Ships will have a custom control system, the aim is to make realistic Sailing, just push your" R" Key to open and close the Sail. Press "J" to increase the Sail. Press "K" to decrease the sail. The Key Bind can be changed in the settings.

All Ships have a higher Passenger Capacity than the normal boat.

Crouching while Right-click will open the Inventory. This will dismount all Passengers, If there is any. 

Crouching while Right-click on a Passenger will just dismount him.

Press your " I " Key to open and close the Ships Inevntory while sailing . The Key Bind can be changed in the settings.

Custom Sail and Ship ambient sounds.



Banner support.

Acceleration/Deceleration for more immersive feeling*

Mod Woodtypes*

better hitboxes*



Fishingboat with net*

* = not yet implemented.

Currently working on:

-complete rewrite

-porting to 1.18

-better hitboxes


Inventory system is inspired by AstikorCarts. Check it out !

The models are inspired by eu4 ships.

Control Tutorial:

By Default:

Place the ship far away from you, into water. They need space to spawn.

Use Right Click to sit in the ship.

Whilesitting in the Ship:   

Press "R" to open/close the Ships Sail. 

Or Press "J" to increase and "K" to decrease the Sail.

Press "I" to open/close the Ships Inventroy.

In Thrid Person View with F5 , scroll with you Mousewheel to change the distance of the View.

To dismount all entities from the ship, use crouch+right-click on the ship.

To dismount one entity from the ship, use crouch+right-click on the entity.

To open the Inventory outside of the ship,  use crouch+right-click on the ship.

Want to host a server to play Small Ships with your friends?

Rent your own minecraft server here
More information on how to set it up here

Join my Discord!

check out my other mods:

Hire Villager Workers and let them farm, mine or even fish for you!

Recruit Villagers and command them into war!

 Tame Camels and make your own caravans!


A one masted trading vessel originating from northern Europe.

Speed: 25% faster than the Vanilla boat.

Heath: About 5x times stronger than the Vanilla boat.

Passengers: 4 Passengers any size + 1 driver.

maneuverability: bad (2/10)

Cargo: 27 Inventory Slots.

//" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">[img]https:/[/img]" alt="" />


With roots back to the ancient ships of the antiquity, the galley remained the prime choice for Mediterranean naval warfare until the 16th century. The galley were less dependent on wind gauge compared to sailing ships, and their maneuverability made them a feared adversary. 

Speed: 30% faster than the Vanilla boat.

Heath: About 10x times stronger than the Vanilla boat.

Passengers: 8 Passengers any size + 1 driver.

maneuverability: very good (10/10)

Cargo: 9 Inventory Slots.



War Galley:

The war galley carries more entites as a normal galley by the cost of maneuverability and speed.

Speed: 15% faster than the Vanilla boat.

Heath: About 15 x stronger than the Vanilla boat.

Passengers: 15 Passengers any size + 1 driver.

maneuverability: good (8/10)

Cargo: 18 Inventory Slots


The Drakkar was used by those who went raiding and plundering in cold regions.

Speed: 25% faster than the Vanilla boat.

Heath: About 6x stronger than the Vanilla boat.

Passengers: 6 Passengers any size + 1 driver.

maneuverability: ok (6/10)

Cargo: 9 Inventory Slots.

Special: Can break iceblocks in water.

Rowing Boat:

Speed: same as the Vanilla boat.

Heath: same as the Vanilla boat.

Passengers: 1 Passenger any size + 1 driver.

maneuverability: perfect (11/10)

Cargo: 9 Inventory Slots.


The brigg is a sailing vessel with two masts. They were seen as fast and maneuverable and were used as both naval warships and merchant vessels.

Speed: 28% faster than the Vanilla boat.

Heath: About 15x stronger than the Vanilla boat.

Passengers: 9 Passengers any size + 1 driver.

maneuverability: not so good (4/10)

Cargo: 54 Inventory Slots.


The Dhow is a sailing vessel with two masts. They were seen as very fast and maneuverable and were used as both naval warships and merchant vessels.

Speed: 35% faster than the Vanilla boat.

Heath: About 10x stronger than the Vanilla boat.

Passengers: 9 Passengers any size + 1 driver.

maneuverability: ok (6/10)

Cargo: 27 Inventory Slots.

WIP Barque:

The Bark, also spelled barque, is a sailing ship of three or more masts, originally used for trade.

Speed: 30% faster than the Vanilla boat.

Heath: About 17x stronger than the Vanilla boat.

Passengers: 21 Passengers any size + 1 driver.

maneuverability: not so good (3/10)

Cargo: 54 Inventory Slots.

Special: Can break iceblocks in water.


Supported Mod Wood Types:


Better Default Biomes

biomes you'll go


Sail Item:




War Galley:

Rowing Boat:




Update 1.10.0: Banner Update !

Update 1.9.0: Dhow Update 

Update 1.8.5: Brigg Update 

Update 1.7.0: Rowing Boat Update

Update 1.6.0: BOP and LOTR wood type support



Q: Why cant we move on ships deck? Why we "glitch" out

A: Im using the vanilla boat hitbox, but if this gets larger you will end up getting stuck (on the deck) and cant move, i hope to fix this with the hitbox update i plan in the future

(for now test it your self, jump onto the ship from a height and try to walk, sometime it works sometime it dont)

Q:How do you pick the ships back up?

A: Like a vanilla boat.

Q:How do add/remove a Banner?

A: Right-Click the Ship with a Banner in your hand, to add/replace. To remove it do the same with a Shears.

Q: Fabric?

A: not for now

Q: 1.18?

A: Yes.. 

Q: 1.12.2 ?

A: Canceld

Q: Can you add Wood support for xyz mod.

A: Yes, dm me the mod name.

Q: Discord?

A: scroll above

 My Datapack and Mod recommendation:

Modpack permissions:

You are allowed to use the Small Ships Mod in any kind of modpack, as long as you link back to this page and don’t make any money of the modpack.