- 2
[1.10.2] Iridium Ore Produces Iridium Ore in Industrial Grinder
#857 opened by revdave33 - 2
[1.11] Electric Treetap does not accept power from Energizer
#858 opened by Boomflex - 1
Missing Recipes
#859 opened by ChloeDawn - 0
Crash when mining Sphalerite ore.
#860 opened by ChloeDawn - 1
[1.11] TechReborn - Red Garnet still broke
#861 opened by shortybsd - 1
[1.11] Electronic Circuit and Battery box broken
#862 opened by codenamedonut - 1
Red Garnets behaving strangely
#871 opened by xenoflot - 1
[1.11] Electronic Circuit Recipe Not Showing in JEI - (TechReborn-1.11-
#863 opened by Boomflex - 6
Sync issue and a query on the jackhammer
#864 opened by xenoflot - 0
Player Detector Missing Recipe
#865 opened by ChloeDawn - 2
Scrapbox-inator Missing Recipe
#866 opened by ChloeDawn - 2
Fluid Cells Missing Processing Recipes
#867 opened by ChloeDawn - 0
Iridium Reinforced* Missing Recipes
#868 opened by ChloeDawn - 1
1.11 - breaking a machine only gives a machine block back
#870 opened by MoonCutter2B - 5
[1.11.2] Localization Missing
#876 opened by sokratis12GR - 3
Breaking MFE with pickaxe incorrectly returns Advanced Machine Block
#877 opened by xenoflot - 5
Digital Chest / Quantum Chest not working correctly
#878 opened by davqvist - 4
Sawmill corrupting world if you insert water
#879 opened by davqvist - 1
Lithium Cells: How to obtain?
#882 opened by davqvist - 2
Fluid Generators don't work with cells and buckets aren't obtainable
#883 opened by davqvist - 1
Industrial Grinder GUI doesn't update, JEI recipes missing fluid
#880 opened by davqvist - 4
Implosion Compressor Incomplete Multiblock
#881 opened by davqvist - 1
How to get Iridium Ingots?
#886 opened by davqvist - 0
Recycler missing Progress Bar
#887 opened by davqvist - 0
Distillation Tower / Plasma Generator don't work
#884 opened by davqvist - 0
Fusion Reactor converts EU/RF incorrectly and JEI recipes wrong
#885 opened by davqvist - 3
Adding Industrial Grinder Minetweaker Recipes not working
#888 opened by davqvist - 10
- 7
MaxStackSize of EmptyCells is 16 should be 64 or anything above 18
#873 opened by AxMedia - 6
[1.7.10] Problem with PDA and some recipes missing
#874 opened by chaos234 - 2
[1.10.2] Remaining IC2/Tech Reborn Issues still outstanding
#875 opened by ChubbyTurtle101 - 2
Crash if loaded after AbyssalCraft
#894 opened by zTorden - 1
xmod exploit possible for Rubber with NotEnoughWands "Moving wand"
#889 opened by xenoflot - 4
No Way To Get Mixed Metal Ingot
#890 opened - 3
If You Put A Cable Between Three Solar Panels World Will Be Corrupted / Some Dusts On Grinder..
#891 opened - 1
Fluxed Redstone Wires Won't Work
#892 opened - 4
No way to get steel, nickel , or titanium ores to make industrial machines. for latest version of techreborn 1.11.2
#893 opened by rayronqween - 2
Iron furnace deleting items
#896 opened by Darkere - 2
- 18
- 0
Diamond Drill recipe requires a Diamond Drill
#899 opened by xenoflot - 4
[1.11] TechReborn crashes server upon start
#900 opened by shortybsd - 0
[1.11.2] SP/MP Crash when copper and tin dust are smelted in Iron Alloy Furnace
#901 opened by kwpugh - 4
TechReborn cables do not connect to blocks from other mods
#902 opened by ArcusMG - 7
- 10
- 5
There Is No Iridium Ore Spawn!
#905 opened - 7
Crash on server load {1.11.2-}
#895 opened by Nykorin - 2
Can't See Saw Mill Recipes(machine uses)
#906 opened - 1