- 7
TechReborn causes wrong amounts of redstone in JEI recipes
#914 opened by ShelLuser - 2
Upgrade Slots on Machines
#915 opened - 6
- 1
Crash when putting hopper under grinder in 1.10.2
#917 opened by NanoHeart - 2
crash on new version
#918 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
No Way To Get These Plates
#908 opened - 2
Industrial Grinder is Too Expensive
#909 opened - 1
[1.10.2] Clicking the energy bar UI crashes the game
#910 opened by SeriousCreeper - 1
- 2
(suggestion) rubber plank slab, stair, fence, fence gate
#912 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
No Way To Get Iron Plate
#913 opened - 0
Steel jackhammer uses advanced jackhammers charge.
#927 opened by VanDerGroot - 1
MT issue with the rolling machine
#928 opened by modmuss50 - 0
Random issues
#929 opened by modmuss50 - 2
Crashing every few minutes
#930 opened by VanDerGroot - 2
Server Crash- after removing a mod that the alloy furnace was processing.
#931 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
Hoppers will not feed into generators
#932 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
Server Crash when wrenching a techreborn machine attached to a fluxed redstone energy conduit
#933 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
Rolling Machine Stores 400,000 FE
#934 opened - 20
Unable to recharge electric tools in MFE
#919 opened by VanDerGroot - 8
Unable to add water to secondary slot in Industrial grinder
#920 opened by VanDerGroot - 4
Game freezes when I click on Centrifuge recipes in JEI
#921 opened by MarikCZ - 1
Max energy for IDSU is negative
#922 opened by VanDerGroot - 3
Steel creation error.
#923 opened by HenrikMP - 1
Recipes try to use ore dict in outputs
#925 opened by Prospector - 4
#924 opened by SDUBZ - 2
Cables stop working after a world reload
#926 opened by Prospector - 1
Item dupe using recyclers
#939 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
1.11.2- Items from scrapboxes have nbt values and no texture.
#940 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
Add minetweaker documentation to the wiki
#941 opened by wormzjl - 0
Rolling machine does not fill hopper
#942 opened by VanDerGroot - 0
[1.10] Rubber sapling model is broken
#943 opened by DylanGK - 1
Techreborn mess up with IC2 universal fluid cells
#944 opened by wormzjl - 0
No clay dust recipe
#945 opened by modmuss50 - 4
Possibly change the refined iron recipe?
#946 opened by kreezxil - 1
- 1
#936 opened - 2
- 0
Negative power in an LESU?
#938 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
Small ore veins
#949 opened by VanDerGroot - 3
Still Couldn't Find Any Iridium Ore
#950 opened - 1
Missing Texture in JEI
#952 opened by SpeedSlider - 1
Automation not possible with some machines
#953 opened by davqvist - 3
Cells can't be converted to liquids
#954 opened by davqvist - 4
Machines use more power than they accept (EU)
#955 opened by davqvist - 2
Helium Coolant recipe error
#956 opened by VanDerGroot - 1
The problem with the cables if world reloading and extreme energy consumptio (1.11.2) - all mods are update on last version - video
#958 opened by Umiyaki - 1
TheOneProbe - Information TechReborn not displayed in multiplayer - please read - on end is reaction of author TheOneProbe
#959 opened by Umiyaki - 3
TechReborn ores not generating in the beneath dimension [1.11.2]
#947 opened by megaloloful - 2
Shift clicking fuel goes into the to be cooked slot
#948 opened by ProsperCraft