- 2
[1.12.2] Wrenching Computer Cube or Auto Crafting Table
#1417 opened by VermillionX - 0
[1.12.2] Player Detector
#1418 opened by VermillionX - 2
Can I share this mod with the minecraft forum in China?
#1420 opened by 6Bpencle - 3
[1.10.2] Compatibility issue with Minecolony
#1419 opened by yotthani - 18
Auto crafting table crash
#1423 opened by modmuss50 - 2
Nitrofuel Cells
#1424 opened by VermillionX - 11
The game crash when I click “configuring slot”
#1421 opened by DTouble - 0
[1.12.2] Fusion Control Computer side configuration
#1422 opened by wamc2017 - 16
AutoCraftingTable low performance
#1429 opened by JoeSGT - 1
Electric Furnace flicker on 4 overclockers
#1425 opened by bpwhelan - 1
Grinder giving lapis dust for ALL dyes
#1426 opened by bpwhelan - 1
[1.12] removeAll() doesn't work with Fusion Reactor, Rolling Machine and Scrapbox
#1427 opened by Skillotic0703 - 0
Machines with two input slots using fewer inputs than required when using both slots
#1433 opened by Swordstone86 - 6
No way to make Helium. Missing Centrifuge/Electrolyzer Recipes.
#1434 opened by VermillionX - 2
Generator Bugs
#1430 opened by VermillionX - 9
Missing Recipes in JEI
#1431 opened by VermillionX - 1
crash on oak log pick up 1.12
#1432 opened by TheNimbleNinja - 3
Error robot opencomputers when using techreborn
#1436 opened by tuckypetr - 1
#1438 opened by bonnedav - 0
Problem with the Maven repository. It is not working.
#1442 opened by zcaliptium - 2
Export energy from Fusion Control Computer?
#1443 opened by Bobo3012 - 1
Some energy issues and ic2 e-net problems
#1444 opened by Skillotic0703 - 2
[1.10.2] Missing textures
#1445 opened by serialtasted - 3
Machine animations continue to move even when machine is idle.
#1446 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
[Suggestion] - Fission Reactors
#1447 opened by Dannez - 3
Breaking Machines only dropping machine frame
#1448 opened by sweetsosweet - 1
Minetweaker support
#1449 opened by bookerthegeek - 3
Removing UUMatter recipes from craftingtable with crafttweaker isn't working.
#1450 opened by Guinaro - 2
Cannot insert scrap into Matter Fabricator
#1451 opened by TvL2386 - 3
Feature request - chunkloader behavior - online player only.
#1452 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
- 0
Can't use a CraftTweaker Support
#1454 opened by MinerTomotomo - 5
Can't remove recipes from TechReborn with CraftTweaker
#1456 opened by MinerTomotomo - 4
Crafttweaker add a way to disable ore dict checking
#1455 opened by CelestialPhoenix - 0
Lapotron-pack in Charger = crush and broken save
#1457 opened by Zodiak69 - 5
TechReborn crashing with IC2
#1458 opened by Shattered2909 - 3
Plasma generator power reserve issue.
#1460 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
Quantum Tank inventory not updating fluid amount.
#1459 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
Fusion Reactor does not retain its state over reboots.
#1461 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
Quantum chest does not retain its contents when wrenched.
#1462 opened by ProsperCraft - 3
Advanced drill 3x3 bypasses the hardness of the block next to the soft block.
#1463 opened by ProsperCraft - 3
[1.12.2] Iron/Electric Alloy Smelter Input Consumption Bug
#1464 opened by KAfable - 0
Advanced drill ignores some enchantments
#1465 opened by Invincible89 - 0
Super speed cooking in electric furnace! (bug)
#1466 opened by Wolflairovi4 - 0
Chainsaws don't affect some blocks
#1467 opened by Invincible89 - 0
Advanced drill digs liquids
#1468 opened by Invincible89 - 2
[Suggestion] option to tweak machines's energy consuption per tick
#1469 opened by Yzelast - 3
Red/Yellow Garnet Plate is missing?
#1471 opened by Syndesi - 0
Spam from JEI in startup log with disabled showing of scrapbox loot
#1472 opened by drcrazy - 0
GlassFIber cable shows error in The One Probe
#1473 opened by drcrazy