- 3
Tech Reborn Overclocker Upgrade tooltips don't reflect reality
#3196 opened by KonSola5 - 3
Changing the Energy System does not change the in-game unit at all
#3200 opened by KonSola5 - 3
Crash all time.
#3199 opened by Fiishbone7 - 1
Server Disconnect when Adjusting Machine Configurations
#3201 opened by SwiftyWheels - 3
fabric 1.20.1 no item recepies in jei
#3202 opened by hallool - 2
Autocrafter causes server crash in Modern Skyblock 3
#3205 opened by torbeneims - 1
About player detector
#3206 opened by Rcc-xyz - 2
Raw Iron and Copper cannot be ground in the grinder.
#3203 opened by zpalmer618 - 1
rubber sappling won't grow in 1.20.4
#3204 opened by RicardoRDSF - 2
Elevator Block? Broken. Cannot go up.
#3207 opened by Legion495 - 1
Quantum chestplate flight abillity remains on player even after unequipped
#3208 opened by J4ckTh3R1pper - 0
Player Detector should not detect players in spectator mode.
#3210 opened by drcrazy - 2
1.20.1 Server quantum chestplate log spam
#3211 opened by mike1000195 - 2
ruby helmet crashes game
#3213 opened by Deloptin - 2
What's the intended overclocker limit? (Speed increase limit is defined twice with different values)
#3223 opened by KonSola5 - 0
Wrench compat contains long obsolete wrenches
#3224 opened by KonSola5 - 6
Jackhammer skipped blocks are hardcoded for some blocks
#3226 opened by KonSola5 - 1
Copying machine config does not work
#3220 opened by AriesOdyssey - 0
Problem with item tags
#3222 opened by e2e13 - 1
[5.4.0] Fusion rector crafting not really using redstone input
#3183 opened by Aphyxia - 4
you cant make zinc with out a machine that needs zinc to make it 1.20.1
#3182 opened by mailrevers - 1
Storage Unit won't auto-input more than 64 of an item.
#3184 opened by mcummings611 - 16
Quantum armor flight bug on servers only seems like
#3186 opened by PurelyRain - 2
Assembling Machie GUI Incorrect
#3187 opened by DanTheBuilder - 1
A bug when attempting to connect client to LAN server.
#3188 opened by Nelfian188 - 4
bronze ingot isnt tagged
#3189 opened by danilwhale - 1
Create crashing using REI 1.20.1
#3190 opened by carritguy - 1
Fluid Tank
#3233 opened by ftrless - 1
Fuels accepted in various fluid fuel powered generators are hardcoded
#3227 opened by KonSola5 - 3
No recipe for Netherite Nugget -> Netherite Ingot
#3228 opened by AlisonHuang777 - 1
Fusion Reactor not transfering energy
#3229 opened by AriesOdyssey - 1
Cannot access inventory of any TR machines with any item/fluid transportation device from any mod, except for vanilla ones
#3230 opened by AlisonHuang777 - 1
1.12.2 port of TecnReborn has unsmeltable ores and wood
#3232 opened by PiotrBarcz - 1
Crash on any TR block interaction
#3235 opened by viktordimov - 4
Question about the multiple output slots on some of TR's block entities
#3239 opened by ScaredsmodsWeb - 0
Cables behave weirdly sometimes and produce sporadic crashes
#3240 opened by PeterStrick - 2
#3242 opened by Apple025 - 2
Outdated structures cause DFU to process every time they are loaded
#3243 opened by Linguardium - 2
No rubber boats
#3245 opened by AriesOdyssey - 1
[1.20.1] Keybinds not present at all
#3248 opened by krzysztofKKW - 1
Nano Armor causing intense server lag and crashes
#3250 opened by tangoskett - 1
Bronze tools (+more mybe?) recipe is broken, requiring only 2 sticks to make all tools
#3252 opened by Atomiiku - 0
Multiblock Hologram not rendered when machine out of view
#3254 opened by nayfaan - 1
Silicon plate crafting recipe and documentation missing
#3258 opened by Cragsand - 0
random crash while exploring the world [1.21]
#3256 opened by Fauli1221 - 2
Crash Upon using the Industrial Electrolyzer
#3257 opened by AndreCelso - 5
Nano package causing collapse
#3260 opened by tianyeorg - 1
Console is being spammed when another mod changes "mayfly" property
#3261 opened by burdoto - 4
Storage Unit/Buffer doesn't work with CC: Tweaked's peripheral system
#3262 opened by Bamberghh - 0
An error occurs when trying to configure fluids
#3263 opened by balsi0406