- 1
[1.7.10] [Server] Multipart Crash
#324 opened by DerMistkaefer - 1
Crash on 1.8.9 with Biomes O' Plenty
#325 opened by DoughnutDev - 11
Crash on 1.8.9 Server
#326 opened by kwpugh - 11
Server Crash - TechReborn-1.8.9-
#327 opened by cauliflower69 - 0
PDA Crash
#328 opened by cauliflower69 - 3
No Recipes in 1.8.9
#330 opened by xKillerbees - 1
"Single" and "double" recipes incompatible
#329 opened by XuPuPG - 1
1.7.10:TechReborn-1.7.10- crushed with the industrialcraft-2-2.2.811
#331 opened by Amamiya-Nagisa - 5
Should we stop supporting running without ic2?
#332 opened by modmuss50 - 0
TechReborn Ores can be mined with Wood-Tier pickaxes
#333 opened by The-Fireplace - 3
Update to official 1.8 RF api
#335 opened by modmuss50 - 8
Machines Essential for TechReborn Progression & Understanding
#336 opened by Spireshield - 3
Many ores don't render correctly in the inventory anymore
#337 opened by The-Fireplace - 13
Final 1.7 requests?
#338 opened by modmuss50 - 60
1.8.9 TODO
#339 opened by gigabit101 - 8
the jenkins broke
#357 opened by Prospector - 1
Rubber trees sometimes spawn inside other trees
#343 opened by Prospector - 0
Rubber trees don't spawn in slow layer blocks, they spawn on top of them
#344 opened by Prospector - 1
Rubber tree's need a custom tree generator
#345 opened by Prospector - 5
Black hud...
#347 opened by Pilad - 1
Some metals don't have storage blocks?
#351 opened by Prospector - 0
Rubber sapling disappears when it attempts to grow but fails
#354 opened by Prospector - 0
Sap only grows on north and west sides
#355 opened by Prospector - 2
Texture TODO
#360 opened by Prospector - 2
Machine casing dupe bug
#361 opened by Prospector - 8
Missing GUI texture Standalone 1.7.10
#362 opened by parcel31u - 5
Would you like me to make a cable model?
#363 opened by Prospector - 3
None of the machines drop their inventory
#364 opened by Prospector - 0
Blocks loose facing state and block drops are broken
#358 opened by modmuss50 - 5
JEI Alloy Smelter is not showing stack amount required
#359 opened by gigabit101 - 6
Tinker's support
#368 opened by Prospector - 1
Implosion Compressor Multi block
#369 opened by phalcoon - 6
Alright, so I am very confused. Which gregtech version is this recreating?
#365 opened by Prospector - 6
Alloy Furnace Crash
#366 opened by QuantumCoretex - 1
PlaceTorch method doesn't actually place the torch.
#367 opened by Prospector - 3
In World Rendering Crash(1.8.9)
#371 opened by Armagedon13 - 2
Add Recycler
#372 opened by gigabit101 - 2
Perhaps move the manual into RebornCore?
#370 opened by Prospector - 11
#380 opened by Prospector - 24
Machine recipes allow all ore dict tags of an item
#381 opened by EverybodyLies - 1
1.7.10 Assembling Machine is not available
#382 opened by Dalidul - 1
Config TODO
#373 opened by Prospector - 3
Glass fiber cable texture issue
#374 opened by Prospector - 2
Thermal generator does not use the isActive thing properly
#375 opened by Prospector - 3
Generator still burns when it's at it's maximum energy storage capacity
#376 opened by Prospector - 0
Iron Furnace's isActive state is based on the items being processed, rather than their fuel.
#377 opened by Prospector - 2
Electric furnace and iron furnace (and I assume all other machines) turn off for a split second between processes.
#378 opened by Prospector - 2
1.9 TODO
#379 opened by modmuss50 - 3
More 1.8 Things
#383 opened by gigabit101 - 1
Texture name convention
#384 opened by Prospector