- 0
Add Industrial foregoing bio fuel to generators
#1656 opened by modmuss50 - 5
Transformers should output multiple packets
#1657 opened by coderbot16 - 3
Needs explanation text for "Configure Slots" GUI
#1605 opened by douglasg14b - 5
[1.12.2] Wrong display name
#1606 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 3
No apparent way to handle the Fusion Reactor's output using the EU power system
#1607 opened by coderbot16 - 2
(suggestion) more ores ?
#1608 opened by 0Navis0 - 3
Game-Crashing Issue
#1609 opened by araevingaming - 3
Mod interaction issue: Liquid Duplication glitch involving BuildCraft Fragile Fluid Shards and Thermal Generators
#1610 opened by coderbot16 - 1
Quantum chest and ME Sytem do not talk to each other properly
#1613 opened by DevilAdvocate02 - 1
Alloy Smelter using specific ingots instead of direct ore dictionary.
#1614 opened by Flanks255 - 2
Extra items recipes were removed
#1615 opened by EngineerXL - 4
[Suggestion] Inclusion of Nano and Quantum Suits, Nuclear Reactors and more?
#1612 opened by Spearkiller - 1
Crashes with IC2 Classic installed
#1616 opened by bobis32 - 1
Is 1.7.10 still worked on ?
#1618 opened by NullExceptionTSB - 1
[Request] Add a progress indicator to the Matter Fabricator
#1617 opened by coderbot16 - 0
Rubber wood slab&stairs count
#1619 opened by EngineerXL - 0
Recipe deduplication missing a couple of items
#1620 opened by LumberWizard - 4
Electric Furnaces do not properly sync their progress value when Overclocker upgrades are applied
#1621 opened by coderbot16 - 2
Retrogen causes new chunk generation with constantly increasing coordinates up to ridiculous numbers.
#1622 opened by IcedLance - 2
Sawmill giving specific output for ALL logs using custom recipe
#1624 opened by ElectroBot - 1
Chargable items use FE even when TechReborn is in EU-only mode
#1625 opened by coderbot16 - 3
Sawmill recipes are disabled when BetterwithMods is installed
#1623 opened by ElectroBot - 5
No GUI for Wind mills or solar panels.
#1626 opened by 34486 - 5
[Suggestion] Tooltips
#1627 opened by Hunter00064 - 0
Matter Fabricatior progress bar is partially broken
#1630 opened by coderbot16 - 2
Solar panels not generating
#1628 opened by HexFlareheart - 0
Broken Marble Dust centrifuge recipe
#1629 opened by coderbot16 - 2
Scrapbox-inator recipe
#1631 opened by bigenergy - 2
Industrial Centrifuge gives too much copper and tin from bronze centrifuging
#1632 opened by coderbot16 - 1
IC2 Classic support
#1634 opened by Todorxd - 5
I broke it again...
#1633 opened by C4J3 - 1
World Interaction [SUGGESTION]
#1635 opened by Feranogame - 4
Rubber Log Needs More Blockstates
#1636 opened by KenyMylankca - 2
Config Request
#1637 opened by Damien-Reave - 2
Invalid Inputs
#1638 opened by bookerthegeek - 0
[suggestion] option to remove rubber trees from villages from config
#1639 opened by MasterBuilder747 - 7
Can't disable FE support anymore (impossible to get an EU-only mode at all)
#1640 opened by coderbot16 - 0
"Machine upgrades" overlay text is drawn behind other major UI elements in TR machines
#1641 opened by coderbot16 - 2
Rolling Machine tries to charge from its 3rd input slot
#1645 opened by coderbot16 - 7
Crash with auto crafter
#1646 opened by Snownee - 1
[Suggestion] Batteries in bauble slots
#1647 opened by LordMZTE - 1
NullPointerException Crash while rendering item
#1648 opened by Freebi85 - 2
Recipe deduplication issues, UniDict compat.
#1649 opened by LumberWizard - 4
[Bug] internal buffers won't drain out of the solar panels
#1642 opened by GlitchOG - 8
Creative Solar Panel on a IC MFSU Caused a Random?? Crash.
#1651 opened by StoneLegion - 2
[Bug] GUI Bug
#1650 opened by Skillotic0703 - 4
Crash when placing TR solar next to Railcraft EU loader
#1652 opened by ElectroBot - 0
Plasma Generator does not appear in its JEI category
#1653 opened by Lykrast - 2
Industrial Sawmill uses wrong units in JEI
#1654 opened by coderbot16 - 1
Alarm Running on Server Side spews client side missing resources.
#1655 opened by StoneLegion