- 0
Crash: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
#1541 opened by aaronhowser1 - 2
Is this fixed in later versions? Wrench problem on at least Transformers.
#1543 opened by henkaa - 2
Game crash on startup
#1544 opened by frank89722 - 2
Empty cell with NBT tag not working in machine
#1545 opened by jottafan - 1
Transformer upgrade weird behaviour
#1550 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
Little graphical bug
#1546 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
Battery charge/discharge issue
#1547 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
[HWYLA] Energy change doesn't automatically update
#1548 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
HWYLA integration for cables
#1549 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
Fusion Control Computer not using up input
#1551 opened by jalako - 2
Generators using ore dictionaryed fluids
#1554 opened by Lach01298 - 0
Assembling Machine JEI processing arrow in wrong spot
#1555 opened by ThatGravyBoat - 2
Client crash. (Referred by RFTools team)
#1559 opened by TheDarkPreacher - 3
(BUG) Solar Panels won't connect to power cables
#1560 opened by Vaygrim - 0
Techreborn crashing when mc is loading (1.12.2)
#1561 opened by Migmag789 - 0
https://hastebin.com/udigijalop.rb crash Minecraft in start!
#1562 opened by zayats1 - 1
ore dusts show wrong grinder recipe in jei with jenkins MOH
#1563 opened by falizure - 1
server crash, ticking world entity
#1564 opened by TheDarkPreacher - 1
Cannot remove IC2 compat compressor recipes with crafttweaker
#1565 opened by SlyCedix - 8
Found a crash at startup in the latest version
#1566 opened by Altarya - 1
Energy Capacity option for Energy Crystal
#1567 opened by dancc7t - 9
Material Injector (from old gt/ig) suggestion. (+problem solved)
#1570 opened by 34486 - 1
Ores don't generate in Extra Utilities 2 Deep Dark
#1571 opened by dmarcuse - 1
Option to enable/disable mod loot in chests
#1572 opened by dancc7t - 4
Mekanism support
#1575 opened by EngineerXL - 2
Digital Tank [Suggestion]
#1576 opened by 34486 - 4
Energy Issues.
#1577 opened by 34486 - 1
NPE on server startup
#1574 opened by kreezxil - 1
[Suggestion] Add some Energy-Powered Armor.
#1579 opened by CrossVas - 1
Fusion Control Computer Not Outputting Power
#1581 opened by adamcadot - 7
Crash on server startup
#1583 opened by mike40376 - 4
Viewing possible uses for Centrifuge block crashes client.
#1578 opened by Darkfiend009 - 0
Crash when breaking grass with advanced drill
#1587 opened by yaroslav4167 - 2
Suggestion: Weighted Item Stacks in Crafttweaker
#1586 opened by Guinaro - 1
Fluid ID's?
#1589 opened by Freebi85 - 3
Incorrect recipes removing
#1590 opened by EngineerXL - 2
TR - Game crash when looking certains Items in Creative Inventory
#1591 opened by starkimax - 2
Compressor recipes added by Crafttweaker have incorrect input
#1592 opened by Charnuz - 1
In servers, large machines can not be used.
#1595 opened by StarryCrystal - 1
Crash when IC2Clasic instaled
#1593 opened by zayats1 - 0
Config option to set explosion radius of Nuke
#1594 opened by dancc7t - 1
[Help Wanted] [Question] How to insert Biomes correctly in Blacklist
#1600 opened by Skaphegor - 1
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException BuildersWand & Cable
#1596 opened by yaroslav4167 - 1
IC2 Classic, Tech Reborn Conflict
#1597 opened by Decepteor - 4
Latest versions IC2 and TR crash occurs
#1598 opened by BlayzerQ - 2
Crash when looking up the industrial grinder
#1599 opened - 2
Complex Armor
#1604 opened by kjetilvm97 - 4
Crash when nuke is blown up by an explosion
#1601 opened by coderbot16 - 4
Grinder giving specific output for ALL dyes using custom recipe
#1602 opened by ElectroBot - 2
Moving through oil should be slow/hard
#1603 opened by ElectroBot