- 1
Crashes with Default World Generator (Port)
#115 opened by Emmaker - 0
Flat underwater space
#135 opened by MetalloloM-Edition - 2
Charm Crate Spam / Inaccurate Biomes with BOP / Quark Underground Biomes
#117 opened by Flusak1235 - 0
Issues with Magma
#116 opened by Flusak1235 - 0
[Bug] Shallow water issues
#118 opened by KaktuszSok - 1
[Bug] Modded features generate at incorrect heights
#119 opened by KaktuszSok - 13
can't use geotp and crasho if I teleport with the journery map mod to areas I've already explored
#120 opened by Vincenzo980 - 10
Cannot load Terrarium, connection error, certificate?
#121 opened by timmipol - 1
Failed to prepare terrarium for use. check your internet connection.
#122 opened by Gamersooreal - 1
Multiple issues
#123 opened by Imtajfti7 - 0
Floating snow
#124 opened by Pinecone6442 - 0
The cubic chunks delete the building
#125 opened by Vincenzo980 - 1
Issues with Magma - Loading dimension 0 (world)
#126 opened by maybebas - 0
[Suggestion] Sync real time/weather data to players' locations
#127 opened by loquesangra - 1
Getting Certificate Errors Again
#128 opened by ekat2468 - 2
Failed to prepare Terrarium for use!
#129 opened by BearThicklegs - 0
Extremely bugged out
#130 opened by Pinecone6442 - 0
panorama doesn't work with SEUS PTGI E7.1
#131 opened by allthevideogames - 0
IOException on servers
#132 opened by wediaklup - 0
Structures Stopped Spawning...
#133 opened by SpenkerC - 3
terrarium not generating modded ores
#134 opened by frugal200 - 0
Add an option for villages to generate in the location of real cities
#136 opened by Brody0727 - 1
Add worldgen compat for Oceanic Expanse mod [FIXED]
#137 opened by Flusak1235 - 0
Key to exit Street View Panorama
#78 opened by Gegy - 5
Suggestion: Generate buildings and streets thanks to Lost Cities?
#79 opened by z3nth10n - 8
Crash: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
#80 opened by Tim3Game - 3
Crash in the earth customization screen
#81 opened by SebastianTAPM - 11
sponge crash on server boot
#82 opened by MetaverseRPN - 1
Game crashes, when trying to select the Terrarium world type (Earth / Survival)
#83 opened by MiniStumpy - 1
Make the world generator loop
#84 opened by aquavolts - 7
Support for 1.15 and 1.16
#86 opened by filips123 - 1
Error when attempting to use /geotp command
#88 opened by Steffbeard - 4
Deserts misrepresented by low-lying forests in Africa
#90 opened by RRyyas - 3
Nether and End won't generate normally
#91 opened by zoemaestra - 1
[Suggestion] Alternative map projections
#92 opened by RRyyas - 1
Strongholds don't spawn uniformly around the map
#93 opened by RRyyas - 2
[Suggestion] Using information from MinDat for Mineral and Ore generation
#94 opened by YipNZ - 2
Given world does not support column generation
#95 opened by EnvyEnfys - 4
#98 opened by ihaveacrushonjaidenanimations2068 - 10
No longer pulling elevation geodata properly
#99 opened by VisionaryMind - 1
"java.lang.NoSuchMethodError" When trying to start minecraft
#100 opened by StrandedPasta - 4
Incompatible with Magma
#102 opened by hadesTTW - 0
Mod incompatibility with Forestry
#103 opened by RRyyas - 0
Terrarium on server (Crash)
#108 opened by Ytoblo - 5
Failed to prepare Terrarium for use!
#109 opened by ireece1 - 1
Crash on mohist [incompablity]
#110 opened by Ytoblo - 7
Search bar in geotool doesn't work
#111 opened by thyblank - 0
In-game coords along with longitude and latitude
#112 opened by thyblank - 0
Inland areas below sea level generate as ocean
#113 opened by Fern866 - 2
[Port Feature] Plugin version and/or Fabric port
#114 opened by joex92