- 1
Game crashes with this mod
#163 opened by PelegTheCynic - 0
How do I open up the camping inventory and turn it off when I need to?
#162 opened by PelegTheCynic - 0
Inventory not opening
#164 opened by mrdbima - 1
Campfire crashes every server participants game
#165 opened by LOONG17 - 0
Sleeping bag is resetting my spawn point now?
#166 opened by nvrsbr - 1
#143 opened by DemonfangArun - 0
Tent Bugs
#144 opened by WenXin20 - 0
#145 opened by DemonfangArun - 1
Statistics Error
#146 opened by JupiterRun - 0
idk what happened here but my server crashed when i clicked on a firepit?
#147 opened by HentaiHamster - 0
Items in camping inventory disappear on death when keepInventory=true (1.12.2)
#148 opened by Maerkonator - 0
server crash, no idea why it's happening in 2.4.3
#149 opened by kreezxil - 1
Minecraft Crash when I put item camping into inventory [1.12.2]
#150 opened by slatar1997 - 0
Clicking "Sleep" at tent on Sponge-based server forcibly disconnects client
#151 opened by Shellyoung - 0
StructureHemp blockstate mishandling
#152 opened by pau101 - 0
Cant Place food in cooking fire kits
#153 opened by P-R-O-L-I-F-I-C - 0
Ticking Block Entity
#154 opened by advanima - 0
Cook gui buttons doesn't work!
#155 opened by Charisard56 - 0
Force kick server when sleeping or when leaving a log (when sitting)
#156 opened by OnTheLink - 3
Curseforge Missing Corefiles for 1.7.x -1.9X Alternate DL Links Broken due to offline website
#157 opened by mikeloeven - 0
Pls update to 1.16
#158 opened by Nlk29 - 1
#159 opened by cb12438 - 4
Breaking tent crashes Minecraft
#113 opened by Panglot - 3
Iron Stick recipe conflict with Backpacks mod
#114 opened by QuantumStatement - 0
Dupe bug with marshmallow
#115 opened by freelancerleno - 1
Server Crash on startup - version 2.4.1
#117 opened by Rutes - 11
Opening Inventory on Sponge-based server Forcibly Disconnects Client
#116 opened by Rutes - 4
Fire Dyeing crash and server lockup.
#118 opened by Hawk-v3 - 0
1.12 items vanishing at random
#119 opened by Zygus42 - 1
Potion effects from dyes
#120 opened by Sitcheren - 1
Mad addon
#121 opened by JamesPixie - 6
Custom Campfire Cooking Recipes?
#122 opened by Rikshy - 0
Localization stranges
#123 opened by QuantumStatement - 0
Camping inventory doesn't display potion effects properly
#125 opened by rikmuld - 1
#126 opened by DarkLegendPT - 1
Shader mod compatibility issue (probably)
#124 opened by rikmuld - 0
Error when breaking a Lantern
#127 opened by QuantumStatement - 2
When I have keepInventory set to true and I die I always lose my backpack. (if it's in the backpack slot in camping inventory)
#128 opened by cocodelu - 1
When I put five chest and put some items in the back of the grid, after reopening the game, all items have disappeared.
#129 opened by WanYing-Zhang - 0
Sitting on log seats
#130 opened by Xyvyrianeth - 0
scala.MatchError: null
#131 opened by Corosauce - 0
[1.12.2-2.4.3] Placing camps break blocks instantly with no return
#132 opened by kreezxil - 1
RikMuldsCore causes game to crash on launch
#133 opened by LadyGwynn - 0
[1.12.2] Bug - Version 2.4.3 - Setting Campsite Rareness to 0 doesn't disable campsites
#134 opened by DWX12 - 0
[1.12.2] Suggestion - Add in config options to change and altar campers' trades
#135 opened by DWX12 - 0
[1.12.2] Suggestion - Adding config option to remove Config Tab from inventory
#136 opened by DWX12 - 0
help with gui editing
#138 opened by HentaiHamster - 1
Game crashes when I place a tent
#139 opened by ShadersAreNice - 4
[1.12.2] Inventory does not open on multiplayer server
#140 opened by mallowbean - 0
[IMPORTANT bug]Ez cleaning your camping inventory.
#141 opened by Sto3IV