- 1
glitch when i die
#442 opened by 45Bley - 2
1.18.2 - Crash during feature placement - java.lang.NullPointerException: Null part for null
#443 opened by trienow - 4
forge 1.18.2 tall cities stop the chunks from loading
#446 opened by Pluelagoon - 3
Crash when starting the game
#447 opened by KasaneRuy - 2
Block ID issue 1.18.1
#444 opened by KhaleesiCat87 - 3
World gen crash (1.16.5)
#445 opened by NixityNull - 3
[request] a possible port to fabric at some point?
#448 opened by warior456 - 3
how to disable spawning of cities in nether/end
#449 opened by GeminiMarshdevil - 1
1.18.2 - 5.2.4 - Empty spawners
#450 opened by RolanDecoy - 2
[1.18.2] lostcities-1.18-5.2.5 breaks single player world creation due to datapacks.
#451 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
[1.18.2] Feature request- config option to start in lost cities cavern dim on first load.
#452 opened by ProsperCraft - 1
Walls are not connected properly
#453 opened by Ironnoob73 - 19
[1.18.2] Crash during world pre-generation.
#454 opened by hujle - 4
its saying LostCities (lostcities) encountered an error during the common_setup event phase
#455 opened by Nobody48213 - 6
how do i find the cities?
#456 opened by Nobody48213 - 6
my game keeps crashing trying to load a world
#457 opened by Nobody48213 - 9
No Spawners when using a custom Library.json (1.12.2)
#458 opened by knoxhack - 16
Game freezes and dies
#459 opened by Nodachi216 - 0
Day/Night Cycle stops completly (1.16.5)
#460 opened by Kargan99 - 1
Is it possible to have random generation instead of just a single city profile?
#468 opened by ResqDiver1317 - 1
Not loading on Technic Launcher 1.16
#467 opened by inlanoche - 1
LostCities Encountered an Error during the common_setup event phase
#461 opened by DSMister - 1
Whenever I load up Minecraft it says LostCities had an error during "the common_setup event phase" I tried multiple things but they haven't worked out
#462 opened by coolbeans0902 - 2
Game keeps crashing can't even get it fails to load
#463 opened by LittleMoon96 - 2
Start failed
#464 opened by bBhdshuaib - 0
Just simply too many mob spawners
#465 opened by babacon88 - 2
blocks are perceived by the world incorrectly
#466 opened by SupremeLOLKA - 3
Crashes when creating a new world with The Lost Cities generation enabled (1.18.2)
#469 opened by Nevrai - 1
How can I use a profile in world generation with BoP generator?
#470 opened by Tyrannuscrafter - 1
Error Loading Mod in 1.18.2
#471 opened by Plebiful - 5
[Suggestion] City generation variation
#472 opened by Nevrai - 4
crash upon generating tall buildings world 1.16 4.0.11
#473 opened by Zelly9191 - 1
[Suggestion] A way to disable overworld cities world gen in an existing world
#474 opened by Nevrai - 0
Completely unable to generate cities in 1.18.2
#475 opened by Firespecialstar - 6
Incompatibilities between lost cities and dynamic trees
#476 opened by alessandriLuca - 1
[Suggestion] Progressive changes as X/Y increases
#477 opened by tachometer74 - 0
Tooltips in configuration menu go off-screen
#478 opened by flameoguy - 2
World generation server
#481 opened by Spikspik - 3
Crash with edited config files On lost souls
#482 opened by Tskuno - 14
Lost Cities is not generating
#483 opened by rashie12 - 0
Compatibility with Terralith and Ecologics?
#484 opened by stealthusk - 4
1.12.2 Missing world Generation entirely
#485 opened by FoxyTails1987 - 3
Crash during feature placement: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
#487 opened by trienow - 1
Sun isn't moving, sun stays up while it's nighttime in lost cities dimension?
#488 opened by Jetpack-Cat - 4
Suggestion: as Dimension
#489 opened by Chromayx - 2
1.19.2 Strange constant crash during world generation.
#491 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 5
Not compatible with Journeymap mod
#492 opened - 1
[1.18-5.3.11] Floating ferns/grass and vines issue with Terralith/Biome mods
#493 opened by BadIsMyUsername - 2
Server Crashes on Start; Failure message: LostCities (lostcities) encountered an error during the common_setup event phase java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not a JSON Object: true
#495 opened by unluckyClone - 2
Server Crashes when Generating rarecities profile
#496 opened by TheStarlessBandit