- 2
Tough As Nails (TAN) Compatibility
#16 opened by Wimblerrr - 2
[BUG] Deletes waterlogged blocks
#17 opened by ThatGravyBoat - 0
[BUG] Using empty bottle on flowing water (not a source block) fills the bottle... But the water doesn't get drained.
#18 opened by Hidden44 - 1
[FEEDBACK] Alex's mobs lava bottle compat
#19 opened by NotTohm - 0
[BUG] Flowing water blocks not updating correctly after bottling the source block
#20 opened by Cyolence - 1
[QUESTION] How can I extend this mods functionality to other mod added items?
#21 opened by aya7mii - 2
Uncraftable potion bug not applied/updated on latest curseforge build?
#11 opened by Thomas107500 - 1
Bottles aren't consuming top source
#12 opened by Amanda212 - 0
Thirty Bi
#13 opened by Taknax - 2
ThirstyBottles graphical issue.
#14 opened by Taknax - 0
Update to 1.11.2
#1 opened by cyberpunkbln - 4
Please add Tough As Nails support
#2 opened by Zaakjin - 3
Uncraftable Potion
#3 opened by ilvrak - 1
Bottles don't react fully as an bucket
#4 opened by cyberpunkbln