![Palladium 🐿️](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/934/721/256/256/638411082584263247.png)
- 1
Config for accessories button and powers button?
#105 opened by PlatypusOfHats - 1
Selectors in text components ability descriptions
#102 opened by jaijorlon - 0
Accessories "hidden_body_parts" does not work.
#103 opened by PierogiPL - 5
palladium crash
#104 opened by sorexm - 0
Interval condition issue
#87 opened by Nexominer - 0
Modified cape physics while flying
#88 opened by Nexominer - 1
Energy blast mob griefing
#89 opened by Nexominer - 0
flying /levitation condition bug
#90 opened by Nexominer - 1
Gecko render layer animation ability bug
#91 opened by jaijorlon - 4
activation type ability condition bug
#93 opened by Nexominer - 0
Activation condition bug
#92 opened by jaijorlon - 5
Daylight Condition.
#94 opened by JusQxnatyss - 2
On_Ground Condition Being Weird Under Water
#95 opened by jaijorlon - 0
Gecko animation bug
#96 opened by Nexominer - 2
Render layer transparency issue
#97 opened by Nexominer - 0
Is flying / hovering / levitating bug
#98 opened by Nexominer - 0
Flight / Levitation attribute bug
#99 opened by Nexominer - 9
Projectile size issue
#100 opened by Nexominer - 0
Custom Shield item issues
#101 opened by Nexominer - 1
when i use epic Fight or Better combat for some reason, the model like moves with the animations,
#106 opened by UwUsheep - 2
#107 opened by LukeFryWalker - 8
Incompatibility with Mini Tardis
#108 opened by GrayStriped - 1
Feauture idea: Make it so you can make certain parts not vibrate when using the vibrate ability
#110 opened by PierogiPL - 2
Flight flexibility
#111 opened by thesheriff1 - 0
Feature enhancement: Right and left click keybind
#112 opened by thesheriff1 - 0
Request: Knockback
#113 opened by thesheriff1 - 6
Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors, provided by 'palladium'!
#114 opened by EntrGame - 1
Conflict with Apotheosis and Simply Swords
#115 opened by ZanderTurtle - 3
Palladium somehow conflicts with Mekanism's Mekasuit render layer
#116 opened by coaber - 0
compat idea: do a barrel roll
#118 opened by awesomebossdj7 - 1
feature idea: allow flux on every item
#117 opened by awesomebossdj7 - 0
issue: capacitor items from creative menu
#119 opened by awesomebossdj7 - 1
Wiki needs a small update - gecklib render layer
#120 opened by awesomebossdj7 - 10
Modpack (1.20.1, Forge 47.3.0) crashing on launch due to Palladium
#121 opened by swtbsl - 8
Modpack (1.20.1, Forge 47.3.0) crashing on launch due to Palladium (same issue, closed original issue too early)
#122 opened by swtbsl - 3
Accessories crash bug
#123 opened by gabbigamers - 0
So I found a crash with Palladium and Werewolves.
#124 opened by UwUsheep - 2
Beam's make player skins dissappear sometimes?
#129 opened by Herocraft735 - 3
#125 opened by Herocraft735 - 1
ConcurrentModificationException with some mods
#126 opened by forkiesassds - 2
Ore recognition...
#127 opened by akselbuch - 1
Suggestion: Nether Portals
#128 opened by Herocraft735 - 1
Palladium:Is there any ways to make mobs spawn with specific powers by datapacks?
#130 opened by 5A93 - 1
Glowing render layers are displayed at the center of the screen when using Iris shaders
#131 opened by pedrolcsilva - 5
PERSONAL MODPACK HELP!! Error code "Was not able to read user's supporter data" when friend tries to log in
#132 opened by StevenHahn206 - 0
Flight/Levitation Bug
#133 opened by Herocraft735 - 0
#134 opened by Herocraft735 - 0
Gui overlay
#135 opened by Herocraft735 - 1
prominence 2 modpack compatibility
#136 opened by LoneWolf13778 - 2
bug rendering items in sophisticated storage's limited barrels
#137 opened by barrafas