- 1
Crash when world is finished loading
#20 opened by tomhag2005 - 3
Vanilla shaders try to use opengl
#18 opened by tr7zw - 1
No license
#17 opened by MeeniMc - 2
Crashes when tesselating blocks
#12 opened by headassbtw - 4
Entity render limit?
#11 opened by tr7zw - 2
UBO Memory leak? (Nvidia/Linux)
#10 opened by polarbub - 2
Source code?
#7 opened by d-513 - 3
Fabulous Graphics don't work
#6 opened by polarbub - 6
Resizing the window freezes the game
#5 opened by 19MisterX98 - 2
-13 Device connection lost error on AMD (Mesa) / Linux
#4 opened by polarbub - 2
Some transparent blocks have black outline when viewed from far away (mipmap issue)
#2 opened by Yr1t - 4
-4 Device connection lost error on Nvidia
#1 opened by polarbub