- 0
Error when using commands
#653 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Bug :/
#652 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
#651 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
#639 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
WorldEdit isn't recognizing any blocks!
#650 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
PLEASE FIX i cant //set an blocks!
#649 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
I cant do anything
#647 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Failed to do NMS access for direct NBT data copy
#646 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Crash server - //undo
#644 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
i get this when i try to do any command in world edit
#643 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
/superpickaxe Factions compatibility.
#631 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
#642 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Restoring areas - pasting schematics via console
#641 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
Bug - I cant set a block with //set [ID]
#640 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Allows Use To Only Change Blocks Into Air
#627 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
NoClassDefFoundError and End of Stream
#638 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
cant place or change blocks, only delete
#637 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
WORLDGUARD [ on trying to change any block with //replace, //set, ...
#636 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
wtf is this i got it with the 1.4.2 version and the 1.4.5 version
#635 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
//set command only works with air
#634 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Command //copy stop work
#633 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Crash in the server bukkit
#632 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
//regen not working (Single Player)
#630 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
World Edit commands crash server.
#629 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
Item Duplication Exploit - Container Blocks
#628 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Exception ticking world
#626 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Ordering the Schematic List
#625 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Error when //set comand
#624 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Error placig blocks
#623 opened by LadyCailinBot - 8
New bukkit packaging scheme breaks nms access for block setting
#622 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
after //set 0 this appears all the time and kicks all users
#621 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
World holes with World Edit
#620 opened by LadyCailinBot - 9
WorldEdit griefing problem in a creative plot world (PlotMe)
#619 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Regen removes player entities within region
#618 opened by LadyCailinBot - 9
Entities are ignored by WorldEdit
#617 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Regenerate makes world holes
#616 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Symbolic links falsely throw "Path outside root"
#615 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Make /jump faster
#614 opened by LadyCailinBot - 10
People get timed out when they are in sight of a WE operation on MC 1.4.4
#613 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Extending //count for blocks that share IDs
#612 opened by LadyCailinBot - 11
No wooden axe, unable to make selection
#611 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Shade in Rebar
#610 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Pass LocalPlayers to the EditSession getters for easy external access
#609 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
New brush: ButcherBrush
#608 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Added support for rotating wooden logs
#607 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Catch Exception when using anvil-converted maps with 128 blocks height
#606 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Don't allow tool bindings to the hand
#599 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Increment .tar file support
#605 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Support MC 1.4.4/1.4.5
#604 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
Restore usage of pre-Anvil chunks
#603 opened by LadyCailinBot