- 2
Unable to join discord channel
#2183 opened by karlheidar - 0
Worldedit commands doesnt work
#2175 opened by Szymanski09 - 1
Game Crashing
#2176 opened by MineDev121 - 1
Suggestion about performing a blocking I/O operation on the main thread
#2177 opened by FunkyNico - 1
Wand /regen
#2178 opened by KobraDad - 6
Entity Passenger Lost On Move
#2179 opened by RitzKid76 - 0
Disable compass teleportation behind worldborder
#2182 opened by Thefirstalpha - 0
Wooden shovel is acting like a selection brush
#2184 opened by jtwebhomer - 1
Project Red Issues
#2195 opened by leumas1960 - 4
Add author(s) to plugin.yml
#2196 opened by isaaclepes - 21
//sel extend forgets it was set after arbitrary time
#2188 opened by e-motiv - 9
Cannot use commands
#2190 opened by lostopkk - 6
Game Crashes on Start
#2191 opened by Plastisheep - 0
worldedit ban
#2192 opened by danyadanya2005 - 0
Increase (or allow increasing) code point limit in YAML loader
#2193 opened by wizjany - 1
Copy/Cut/Pasting carpet on top of carpet only copies the bottom most carpet
#2200 opened by ChristopherHaws - 1
trees stack on top of each other
#2199 opened by NightDust12 - 1
Error using //drawsel on
#2201 opened by SamLiprandi - 1
Nickname of blocks causing massive null errors.
#2202 opened by Wolvend - 2
Boat is not copied when a villager is a passenger
#2203 opened by lukalt - 2
API: [07:56:34 ERROR]: Unsupported key: minecraft:
#2204 opened by Charonum - 1
Replacing stairs/slabs does not keep orientation
#2205 opened by EldritchGarden - 1
Game crashes when used with other mods (Scroll fo WorldEdit and WorldEdit CUI)
#2206 opened by RomanPro100 - 2
Add documentation for `/toggleeditwand` command.
#2207 opened by ejm554 - 2
Adjacency Masks
#2208 opened by Owehttamy - 1
Use-Inventory might be bugged
#2209 opened by BoldriniLorenzo - 4
Could not dispatch event: com.sk89q.worldedit.event.platform.PlatformReadyEvent@6b623ba
#2210 opened by sprocketaudio - 0
World edit 6.1.10 incompatibility with JustEnoughIDs
#2211 opened by velyn01 - 1
//restore only restores from the overworld
#2214 opened by ProClifo - 1
Pasting, Moving action deletes certain types of blocks (sea pickles, paintings, item frames, etc.)
#2215 opened by BertCreator - 1
Can't use heightmap brush
#2216 opened by DuendeInexistente - 0
A more advanced replacenear
#2220 opened by warior456 - 1
Path is not allowed outside root
#2221 opened by Azrael213 - 2
No commands available
#2222 opened by voxymoron - 4
WorldEdit and Water
#2223 opened by Donastria - 0
WE does not see blocks from other mods
#2224 opened by iseeyoudev - 12
Specify Minecraft version for fabric mod
#2225 opened by kaylendog - 3
Set a destination mask when pasting
#2233 opened by mk-pmb - 2
Worldedit 7.2.13 not loading for Paper 1.19.3
#2226 opened by AdminZero - 2
Incompatible with Chisel&Bits Mod
#2227 opened by mnetwork - 1
//set wood type
#2228 opened by ItzPokeblox - 1
Replacing Slabs/Stairs with different Slabs/Stairs
#2229 opened by ItzPokeblox - 1
WorldEdit Version Unknown
#2230 opened by ItzPokeblox - 1
Lighting buggy when filling in the celing to a large room
#2231 opened by ItzPokeblox - 1
#2232 opened by ItzPokeblox - 0
1.12.2 - support
#2234 opened by F3F5 - 1
Pasting block entities is broken on SpongeVanilla 1.16.5
#2238 opened by avaruus1 - 1
Twist Command
#2241 opened by DragonGod65 - 3
I write the //set commands (an error occurs if you do not mark the territory, just write the commands) and as a result, an error in the console.
#2242 opened by TheFaik - 1
worldedit wont allow worlds to load
#2243 opened by King909YT