StarCraft II
3,491 Mods
Galaxy++ editor by Beier
10.6k DownloadsA compiler for galaxy++ which features several improvements over galaxy
GAx3 - StarCraft II Editor Enchant Mod
8.7k DownloadsGAx3 - StarCraft II Editor Enchant Mod
Behemoth AI
5.1k DownloadsInsane Difficulty Computer AI w/ Micro
Cortex Roleplaying library
3.5k DownloadsThis Galaxy library is for roleplaying maps that were popular in WC3. It provides their full functionality trigger-wise.
Achievement Library
2.9k DownloadsAchievement Library allowing to use achievement in your map
composure's Asset Collection
2.7k DownloadsParity Function
2.4k DownloadsWaypoint System for "intelligent" Unit Movement
Debug Utilities
2.2k Downloadsvarious debug utilites
[lib] N's Talent System
2.1k DownloadsTalent System
[Library] Boss Bars Advanced
2.1k DownloadsAdding more freedom to your Boss Bar needs.
Basic Mathematic Functions
1.8k Downloadscos, sin, tan, round, floor, ceil, isInt, mod
Beiers Galaxy Script Editor
1.8k DownloadsA custom galaxy script editor with featurs such as autocomplete and highlighting
WASD "Lag-Less" Movement
1.6k DownloadsCode For Lagless WASD Movement
Custom UI : Leaderboard
1.5k DownloadsCustom UI : Leaderboard
Cortex Toolkit - Forge Extensions
1.4k DownloadsCortex Toolkit - Forge Extensions
1.4k DownloadsN-Body simulator for Starcraft II
1.3k DownloadsGalaxy library that helps you implement audio feedback.
Galaxy Vim Syntax Highlighting
1.2k DownloadsVim Syntax highlighting for the Galaxy Language
Official Galaxy Scripts
1.2k DownloadsGalaxy Scripts
Dustins Unit Indexing Library
1.2k DownloadsDUI indexes units so they can be referenced by Index Numbers auto generated and uniquely assigned to each unit in the system.