StarCraft II
3,491 Mods
Taylor Mouse's Assets
172k DownloadsModels, model viewer, tutorials, scripts and tools
M3 Plugins for 3ds Max
53.4k DownloadsM3 Import & Export plugins for 3ds Max
22.8k DownloadsMapCraft
SC2 Custom map patcher
14.5k DownloadsPlay with your friends on BNET with your cutoms maps
SC2 Map Analyzer
13.9k DownloadsSC2 Map Analyzer
M3 Import plugin
11.4k DownloadsA 3ds max plugin for importing Starcraft 2 Model files (.M3)
s2maCache Manager
10.9k Downloadss2maCache Manager
Galaxy++ editor by Beier
10.6k DownloadsA compiler for galaxy++ which features several improvements over galaxy
GAx3 - StarCraft II Editor Enchant Mod
8.7k DownloadsGAx3 - StarCraft II Editor Enchant Mod
Heroes M3 To Sc2 M3 Converter
6.6k DownloadsHeroes M3 To Sc2 M3 Converter
SC2 Localizer
6.4k DownloadsSC2 Localizer
StarCraft2 normal map converter
6.2k DownloadsA Photoshop action which converts standard normal maps into SC2 normal maps
Blender .m3 Plugin
5.2k DownloadsPlugin for Blender to work with .m3 files.
SC2 SoundBoard
4.7k DownloadsA file to quickly listen to and identify SC2 unit sounds associated with the files.
SC: Evolution Complete for Creators
4.6k DownloadsThis page has individual files for creators and mods for SCBW style maps
4.4k DownloadsStarcraft 2 3rd Party Map Editor
All Doodads
4.1k DownloadsAll doodads in picture
[Data-Spell] Dark Swarm
2.8k DownloadsDark Swarm returns to the Zerg!
DeP's M3 Model Editor
2.5k DownloadsDeP's M3 Model Editor
SC2 Colorizer
2.4k DownloadsGenerates Color strings for Fancy color effects