The Sims 4
16,432 Mods
Tomarang Golden Temple - Two versions
1.9k DownloadsA Golden Temple for your hood. Deco version (BCG) or Inter-Active (FR) versions available.
Oasis Springs - Mirage Canyon skirting [FIX]
1.7k DownloadsFixes an issue where the skirting was disappearing when zooming in
Hood Deco Castle: Old King's Castle
1.5k DownloadsConverted deco castle from Settlers 5
Hood Deco Castle: Dark Castle
1.4k DownloadsConverted deco castle from Settlers 5
Tomarang Khana Temple
1.4k DownloadsA pretty temple for your hood. Deco Version (BGC) and Inter-Active version available (needs For Rent)
[FIX] Evergreen Harbor untextured background shells
1.2k Downloadsthis mod replaces the untextured background shells in Evergreen Harbor with new shells
Hood Deco: Settlers 6 Farms - houses and deco objects
1.2k DownloadsFour different kind of farms - Grain, Cattle, Sheep and Beekeeper - to decorate your hood
Walls & Towers Hood Deco
1.2k DownloadsWalls & Towers to match the Hood Deco Castles - Light or Dark
Tomarang Storehouse with Inter-Active Market Function
1.2k DownloadsA new version of the Tomarang Fish-Market, based on converted Settlers Storehouse
Hood Deco Houses: Windleport Storehouses & Piers
1.2k DownloadsDeco Houses for your hood - storehouses for a port or trading place
Windleport Kogge
1.1k DownloadsA ship for your trading needs - hood or lot deco
Hood Deco: Two Small Castles
1k DownloadsConverted deco castles from Settlers 5
Tomarang Hood Deco: Storehouses
993 DownloadsStorehouses, 2 variations and separated deco towers
Hood Deco: Settlers Village Buildings
992 DownloadsA set with village houses, in groups, and separated, from Settlers 5, to decorate your hood.
Hood Deco Castle: Castle Crawford
962 DownloadsConverted deco castle from Settlers 5
Hood Deco Castle: Castle Cleycourt
918 DownloadsConverted deco castle from Settlers 5
Hood Deco: Settlers 5 Farmhouses
907 DownloadsA set with farmhouses from Settlers 5, to decorate your hood.
Hood Deco Castle: Castle Barmecia
885 DownloadsConverted deco castle from Settlers 5
Hood Deco Castle: Castle Kaloix
878 DownloadsConverted deco castle from Settlers 5
Hood Deco Castle: Castle Folklung
833 DownloadsConverted deco castle from Settlers 5