- 1
Cryptic Aurelid not appearing in mount list
#133 opened by vellocets - 0
WotLK: Remove/Disable features available only in Mainline
#136 opened by DanSheps - 0
WotLK: impove database handling
#137 opened by DanSheps - 1
attempt to index field '?' on load
#141 opened by chadrien - 0
WotLK: Flight in restricted area
#142 opened by DanSheps - 1
WotLK: Flying Carpet missing
#149 opened by DanSheps - 1
WotLK: Blue Mechanostrider missing
#147 opened by DanSheps - 1
WotLK: Paladin Warhorse missing
#150 opened by DanSheps - 1
WotLK: Swift Red Gryphon missing
#148 opened by DanSheps - 0
WotLK: Stormpike Battle Charger missing
#152 opened by DanSheps - 0
WotLK: Swift Brown Ram missing
#153 opened by DanSheps - 0
WotLK: Swift Mistsaber missing
#154 opened by DanSheps - 0
WotLK: Swift white steed missing
#155 opened by DanSheps - 0
WotLK: Disable Wraithwalk
#157 opened by DanSheps - 0
Lua error in wintergrasp when checking special zone
#158 opened by DanSheps - 0
Lua error when attempting to mount in bastion
#160 opened by DanSheps - 0
WotLK: Error when learning pet
#161 opened by DanSheps - 0
WotLK: Mounting flight does not work in Kraus landing
#163 opened by DanSheps - 1
[Debug]Fatal: Unmatch (settings.mount.emptyrandom)
#103 opened by penguinsane - 0
toons under lvl 60 forces flying mounts
#104 opened by th0str - 0
Support for Worgen racials
#105 opened by th0str - 0
Support for Druid Moonkin's Flap ability
#106 opened by th0str - 6
Support for Nazjatar/Mechagon
#107 opened by Debuggernaut - 0
Disable water mount
#112 opened by wolfrunner86 - 0
Decide which mount is ground and which is flying?
#113 opened by MrGlaurung - 3
Change druid forms in combat not working
#114 opened by penguinsane - 0
Option "Automatically enable new mounts upon learning them" Bug
#121 opened by Veldryn - 10
Key Binding
#122 opened by WeirDave - 1
Keybinds not clearing
#126 opened by DanSheps - 0
Option to choose a arena / battleground mount
#127 opened by Capfrey - 2
Option to mimic your targets mount
#128 opened by Capfrey - 2
Addon not selecting flying mounts in draenor
#129 opened by Zephyrai - 1
Explorer's Dunetrekker not listed in Passenger mounts.
#130 opened by CXWRTH - 1
Herbalist Sky Golem does not trigger
#132 opened by zeplop - 0
spellID checked for null, however mountID used in final check
#87 opened by DanSheps - 0
Migrate away from spellID's to mountID's
#88 opened by DanSheps - 0
Mage Blink Logic In Combat
#89 opened by DanSheps - 0
Druid error in islands
#83 opened by wolfrunner86 - 1
Flight Form triggers when mounted
#84 opened by DanSheps - 0
New Mounts added even when not enabled
#85 opened by DanSheps - 2
Debugging code enabled
#95 opened by Lufunpsy - 0
Add Escape Keybind for closing the frame
#91 opened by DanSheps - 5
Dismounting while Flying Error
#92 opened by bcrotty - 1
Add Mount To UnderWater Mounts Please?
#96 opened by Mindlessgalaxy - 3
Flyable Mounts in Legion Class Halls
#97 opened by bcrotty - 0
Does not mount up in arena
#98 opened by beauajackson - 3
Error opening options menu: Method Frame doesn't exist in handler for type func D
#99 opened by Malivil - 1
Travel Form Not Activating While Moving After Switching Specs
#100 opened by bcrotty - 1
Sea Turtle seems to be preferred over Water Strider
#101 opened by rlp122 - 1
Not recognising Chauffeured Mechano-Hog!
#102 opened by Mindlessgalaxy