- 0
Apply to add Green Dragon module
#805 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 1
[MC] Majodomo's Tank Teleport Missing
#792 opened by lucasvienna - 1
[MC] Shazzrah's Gate timers
#791 opened by lucasvienna - 1
(BWL)Nefarian Unable to localize files during early warning
#786 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 1
zoning into horrific vision
#785 opened by mooklepticon - 1
Nefarian class call bugged out
#784 opened by zhuk90 - 3
Missing plugin for Zul'Gurub
#783 opened by gnomewarlock - 0
Vaelastrasz count down timer (classic)
#782 opened by ForMads - 7
[classic] RP timer missing for Ragnaros
#781 opened by caspervk - 1
#780 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 1
v11-classic locales.xml error
#775 opened by se7enmuting - 16
BigWigs causing freeze when entering dungeon instance
#774 opened by nohde - 2
The hivemind timer for devouring frenzy
#773 opened by Bumberek - 2
#771 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 2
[Classic] Ebonroc Chat Spam From Invalid Spell ID
#770 opened by Jh16 - 3
#769 opened by nzcool - 1
Suggestion: include X Y position of Messages/Emphasized Messages in BigWigs settings
#768 opened by lunarwinds84 - 1
Annoying popup is displayed in the Love is in the Air event dungeon when LittleWigs is disabled
#766 opened by rdw-software - 4
New timer nzoth
#762 opened by Addonman - 1
Suggestion: Mythic Il'gynoth cursed blood count down
#761 opened by sergeantjonas - 1
N'zoth error message(new timer)
#759 opened by Talimar - 2
v180 completly bugged out?
#756 opened by aonoloki - 1
Feature suggestion: Drain essence markers
#754 opened by RaynetheGamer - 4
[Nameplate Bars] Option To Disable
#750 opened by ManagerWoW - 4
New timers/errors on Nzoth
#749 opened by MDoom81 - 1
New timer for 313652
#744 opened by psykzz - 3
Graphical Issue
#743 opened by VaporAPX - 1
Alt power bar
#741 opened by Addonman - 2
Just a couple "found spell" errors
#738 opened by BreakingForce - 4
Open source
#737 opened by layday - 0
[Classic] Addon doesn't load.
#736 opened by cloverpi - 1
[Feature Request] Custom Messages
#734 opened by AnteKevo - 1
v6-classic throwing the following errors on login and cannot open bigwigs with /bw
#733 opened by Huanzhang89 - 0
[Suggestion] New form of timers
#732 opened by GiganticThirstyHerald - 1
Wont show bars or pull timers
#730 opened by DJDajn - 0
Several sounds not working for Classic
#729 opened by riher - 0
Error on Queen Azshara LFR
#727 opened by Xerus2 - 0
Break timer doesn't copy across to DBM users (Classic)
#726 opened by hardtofin - 6
Baron Geddon - Ignite Mana timer
#725 opened by FadedDTL - 0
Classic: /range only partially works
#724 opened by cloverpi - 1
Twitch Updates Classic version to Retail.
#723 opened by volostyle - 2
Multiple Errors reported from BigWigs with regards to localization
#722 opened by skasai - 4
feature request, world buff timer
#721 opened by knasen88 - 1
[Classic] DBM Pull/break not showing
#720 opened by wigoor - 1
Classic: Ragnaros lua error
#718 opened by mrbuds - 1
[classic] SFK error
#717 opened by Talimar - 1
[Suggestion]Add a export to text file for statistics
#716 opened by deathsite - 3
LUA Error everytime I load screen Attempt to register unknown event "LFG_PROPOSAL_SHOW"
#715 opened by moserlx - 1
WoW Classic erros with missing details about "Spell ID's"
#712 opened by Rawh - 1
[Feature Request] Add count toggle to each ability
#711 opened by jacobh0