- 0
CompactRaidFrame6:SetAttribute error in BigDebuffs
#368 opened by Affaraon - 1
Rescaled debuffs not showing
#354 opened by WuhbGaming - 5
10.12 CompactUnitFrame.lua error
#356 opened by neuvo123 - 2
Grievous/Necrotic in M+ issue
#355 opened by moadmoadd - 0
Debuffs not showing on ndui raid frames
#369 opened by LeeJuly30 - 0
10.14 retail got rid of lua errors but some of buffs are not showing now
#357 opened by neuvo123 - 3
LUA errors on (re)load / constant
#358 opened by Zyrtx - 0
Portrait frame strata issues when using Adapt addon
#359 opened by addonaddict - 3
lua error 10.14 retail
#360 opened by neuvo123 - 1
Debuffs not showing on raid frames
#361 opened by kribw - 1
Friendly buffs disappearing since 9.2
#362 opened by Dimowx - 1
Raidframes Bug in arena
#363 opened by respekten - 11
bigdebuffs not showing on raidframes or showing longer than necessary
#364 opened by revenge66 - 4
Certain debuffs not showing on raidframes - build 10.14
#365 opened by dextergordonx - 0
Soulsteel Clamps buff is up on majority of players
#366 opened by addonaddict - 16
CompactUnitFrame.lua error
#367 opened by Korono22 - 1
v10.17 'CompactRaidFrame2:ClearAllPoints()' lua error
#375 opened by kribw - 1
nothing showing
#376 opened by Phrimo - 0
Icon Shape
#377 opened by Stefen74 - 0
Viper Sting Rank 4 Missing in TBC
#370 opened by frigidclam - 2
10.17 retail raidframes lua errors
#372 opened by neuvo123 - 1
Raid Errors
#373 opened by OldWorldRaiders - 1
Cannot Upgrade Items and Interact with Raid Frames
#374 opened by Jonathan204 - 0
Option to disable in raids dungeons?
#379 opened by nedempst - 0
Big Debuffs not working with Tell Me When addon
#380 opened by Minimelo - 1
Errors in raid
#381 opened by wjakobsmeier - 4
Getting this LUA often with 10.17 retail
#382 opened by neuvo123 - 0
#383 opened by frankisokay - 2
Addon unusable for past several weeks
#384 opened by sarahlogic - 0
Using with ElvUI
#385 opened by Sebastian1989101 - 0
Feature Request: Native decimal support
#389 opened by markonibomboni - 0
Feature Request: Nameplates with more auras
#387 opened by markonibomboni - 0
Feature Request: Raid Frames with 'centered' anchor
#388 opened by markonibomboni - 0
BigDebuff doesn't show ice barrier corretly
#390 opened by biaojin - 0
Interferes with diminish addon
#391 opened by RobertPinnock - 2
#392 opened by Prampampamm - 0
0% size doesn't hide debuffs
#394 opened by Odjur - 0
debuffs not showing
#393 opened by spaceace7156 - 0
Need some additions
#395 opened by RobertPinnock - 1
More spelssss
#396 opened by georgi-chinov - 2
Occasional taint issue in raid combat since 9.2.5
#398 opened by raysmith59 - 0
addon breaking raid frames
#400 opened by vejpl - 0
resets built in raidframes position
#404 opened by Larsy93 - 4
Big debuffs not working
#405 opened by kuriuz - 1
No "Offensive Debuffs" section in config -> Spells
#408 opened by danielgstamps - 2
High cpu-usage, not very lightweight (possibly PVE only?)
#410 opened by holypalaswe - 0
Shaman totem buffs removal?
#415 opened by Pedersenh - 17
Constant LUA errors
#411 opened by ryanhealer - 0
Ranks 1 to 5 of Ravage Debuff are missing
#412 opened by atropon - 0
giving me some kinds of lag spikes
#413 opened by shacoune