- 0
Error occured in nazjatar boss
#35 opened by Elnarfim - 0
Error occured in Azshara
#37 opened by Elnarfim - 1
Error when starting fight with Queen Azshara
#39 opened by AmorinoZcl - 6
Dependency Missing
#41 opened by nimuemoonwolf - 3
an error occured in Azshara
#42 opened by Elnarfim - 2
Proper support for Mechagon
#45 opened by MysticalOS - 3
Ashvane upsurge timer is inaccurate in mythic
#46 opened by Elnarfim - 4
Dropdown menu doesn't show scroll bar or arrows.
#43 opened by MysticalOS - 6
Missing some sounds
#47 opened by banta84 - 0
Wrong arguments order of CreateFontString
#49 opened by MrPollux - 3
Error when clicking minimap buton
#52 opened by Molkree - 1
DBM Warning: BFA version updates to 1.13
#53 opened by athonel - 2
Update changed my language to italian?
#56 opened by SavieSIlverfall - 6
[Classic] Error on login with DBMCore 1.13.4
#59 opened by kernighan - 0
Bar options reset when set to "None"
#61 opened - 12
Popup error on every boss encounter
#65 opened by SylverrJ - 5
DBM issue
#69 opened by Milky063 - 10
LUA error in 1st wipe
#72 opened by Krovikan - 4
DBM Classic Version is Being Installed As Latest Version When Using the Twitch Client
#74 opened by Calesta - 2
Issue with 8.2.18
#70 opened by Kalarah - 2
Twitch keeps over-writting classic DBM
#71 opened by Trindle1604 - 2
/gquit taint error
#76 opened by DDCorkum - 2
Twitch is updating Retail with Classic Version
#78 opened by skasai - 1
When attemping to /gquit, error is thrown by DBM
#79 opened by Zhenocnra - 2
DBM Current version is not available on Curseforge or Curse Client
#80 opened by tmitchell1984 - 1
Victory Sounds
#81 opened by BloodyFess - 1
Updating through Twitch client installs classic version
#82 opened by otmeek - 2
Expand Upwards not saving
#83 opened by Corebenik - 1
Bug with some special warning sound selections
#87 opened by Invisybr - 1
a few Soundkit IDs broken
#89 opened by Invisybr - 1
Retail updating as Classic
#91 opened by Vekki99 - 2
DBM-Classic tagged for retail
#94 opened by cfmcghee - 1
Thank youuu
#93 opened by MattLyte - 1
DBM automatic updates through twitch desktop app not working correctly: installs classic addon
#95 opened by emmetotter - 1
DBM saying it is classic version
#96 opened by wendyemdub - 1
#102 opened by Vecht - 1
PvP addon disabled due to "major patch" that does not affect PvP timers
#103 opened by Vecht - 1
"Major Patch" auto-disable functionality is user-unfriendly
#104 opened by Vecht - 1
unregisterSpellId Error
#107 opened by Naab25 - 0
Broadside of Ashvane Cannoneers in Siege of Boralus trash is not tracked
#119 opened by tharakadesilva - 0
N'Zoth The Corruptor - Mindwrack
#121 opened by tharakadesilva - 2
New Fork Called DBM Classic
#127 opened by jmaslows - 9
Taunt call out of Shad'har the Insatiable seem to be inaccurate
#128 opened by tharakadesilva - 5
Wrathion mythic slow stack track
#131 opened by tharakadesilva - 2
localization Error
#133 opened by bagzli - 3
Minor inaccuracies with the messages in the N'zoth encounter
#135 opened by tharakadesilva - 4
Error upon entering game - message posted below
#136 opened by nitemair - 15
Harvester Spawn timers
#138 opened by MrJeffer - 3
Information on N'Zoth Gatekeeper timings (normal)
#134 opened by Tequima - 1
Two Bug Reports, Timers in Bossfights don't work...
#141 opened by Sarafira