- 0
random runes on screen
#32 opened by ThePwit - 1
[Wrath] Death Knight Runes wrong color
#1 opened by Goldpaw - 1
[Feature] Add player alternate power
#4 opened by Goldpaw - 1
[Feature] Add Class Power element
#2 opened by Goldpaw - 1
[Feature] Add Monk Stagger element
#3 opened by Goldpaw - 0
[Assets] Create new class power textures
#5 opened by Goldpaw - 0
[Feature] Add full, unfiltered buff frame
#6 opened by Goldpaw - 0
[Feature] Add hover bind system for action button keybinds
#7 opened by Goldpaw - 1
[Wrath] Add multicast/totem bar
#8 opened by Goldpaw - 0
[Feature][Wrath] Add minimap tracking button
#11 opened by Goldpaw - 0
[Feature] Add general exit button for taxi flights and vehicles with no vehicleui
#9 opened by Goldpaw - 0
[Feature] Add MirrorTimers (breath, fatigue, etc)
#10 opened by Goldpaw - 2
Third Bar
#12 opened by Memorize1622 - 0
Target of target
#13 opened by Rusery - 1
Missing Buff Icons
#14 opened by Rusery - 1
[Feature] Add Pet bar
#15 opened by Goldpaw - 1
[Feature] Add Stance bar
#16 opened by Goldpaw - 0
Target Buffs
#17 opened by K0LT - 1
[Bug] [Wrath?] Exit vehicle button texture don't change when entering vehicle
#19 opened by Goldpaw - 0
[Feature] Add "Apple Muppet Mode"
#18 opened by Goldpaw - 1
Wrath Classic, Dragging Spells also clicks them.
#20 opened by Verlash - 0
Wrath Classic, actionbar paging issue.
#21 opened by Verlash - 0
Default action bars. (1&2) LUA error when specific spells or is dragged off bar whilst running.
#22 opened by Combobulates - 1
Extra action bars disappear a couple seconds after I hit the + button
#23 opened by FarTooSaucy - 2
[Request] Dragonriding Vigor Bar / Indicator
#24 opened by BraynStorm - 2
Secondary bar graphical issue
#25 opened by mikaile676 - 0
Minimap issue
#26 opened by Scared-Sacred - 0
How to disable ActionBar and Auras?
#27 opened by nexysR - 0
Great UI, but having issues
#28 opened by NJFAN90 - 0
Minimap bug
#29 opened by Duolik - 0
is there a third and fourth row of action bar?
#30 opened by shuwei1122 - 3
Annoying Grey menu in bottom right corner how do i disable it? ive tried clicking the white plus markers to no avail.
#31 opened by funnykid201 - 0
#33 opened by STM1626 - 0
Update for DF
#34 opened by Scantraxx01 - 0
DiobolicUI Why isn't it updated?
#35 opened by Duolik - 0
Diobolic UI is the best WOW UI!
#36 opened by ChiuWuu