- 2
More special cases
#49 opened by Nulgar - 6
Error occurring when zoning into a Cataclysm dungeon.
#47 opened by Ookami313 - 2
Possible Memory Leak
#50 opened by linaori - 1
Integration with Immersive
#83 opened by yurigeinish - 1
Make this Addon ElvUI compatible please :)
#86 opened by Rubyurek - 6
Configuration in Tukui?
#88 opened by vttale - 4
Wago upload
#52 opened by janpantel - 2
Custom key binds not working
#54 opened by Billtopia - 1
Hide the action button
#55 opened by Morvran - 1
Missing quest
#56 opened by Morvran - 1
Missing Quest Item
#58 opened by Artifcer - 0
hope Adding support for Masque is planned
#59 opened by Xiaoxfit - 2
Dragonflight Beta: Error on logon
#60 opened by sebid - 0
Button visible state with active ExtraActionButton
#62 opened by Dairyman - 2
Missing Quests
#66 opened by novaplane - 2
Missing Quest: Never Forgotten
#68 opened by raysmith59 - 2
Quest item for Flying Fish not automatically activating EQB
#69 opened by raysmith59 - 1
2 Separate Bindings Issues
#71 opened by FurterFrenzy - 5
Error 10.1
#76 opened by tommy610 - 0
Error in libs in 10.1
#77 opened by aa-chrismcfadyen - 1
Swap between quests
#78 opened by soso-15 - 1
#80 opened by BlueNightSky - 1
local result = C_Item.IsCurrentItem(itemInfo)
#91 opened by Saaappi - 1
Mixin error in pools.lua
#93 opened by ms411 - 0
Translation: German client (deDE)
#95 opened by Marakuja - 3
Button does not show for Quest 81502
#96 opened by Gnarfoz - 1
#97 opened by Tsundoro - 0
Button does not show up for WQ 79960
#98 opened by hollo6 - 1
Support world quest 79960
#100 opened by Gnarfoz - 3
Button does not show up for WQ 82266
#103 opened by hollo6 - 2
Button does not show for quest The Midnight Sentry
#104 opened by hollo6 - 1
Button Missing for the "Sharing the Light" Bonus Events
#105 opened by F-Lambda - 4
Show/use button/keybind for delve extra actions
#106 opened by hollo6 - 2
Button not showing.
#27 opened by Cluuey - 4
C_QuestLog.GetDistanceSqToQuest() sometimes returns nil
#28 opened by Pingumania - 1
Only show if tracked.
#30 opened by griddark - 12
Only show zone.
#31 opened by griddark - 2
Hide on click.
#32 opened by griddark - 0
Pop out empty but im not doing any quest
#29 opened by bekaylai - 5
Very odd bug.
#33 opened by Cluuey - 9
Hotkey text not rendering correctly
#34 opened by Addonman - 1
Add profile support
#35 opened by p3lim - 2
hiding texture around eqb
#36 opened by rml9ty - 4
Bug - The button can't be moved
#37 opened by Sapfirot - 1
Another quest item not working.
#38 opened by Cluuey - 1
Error - perhaps related to party sync
#39 opened by Tuhljin - 1
Uninstalling left the button permanently offset
#41 opened by jahirahdk - 2
'Further Gelatinous Research' World Quest wrong position
#43 opened by catthou - 4
Item suggestions, blacklist non-functional?
#45 opened by Nulgar - 0
Add option for button to activate on key down
#46 opened by 0xjc