- 0
[BUG] ALL GSE Macro Blocks missing - same with Spell / Toy / Items
#1500 opened by LarryThiessen - 1
[BUG] Fresh Install - SpellCache not initialising
#1501 opened by LarryThiessen - 13
[BUG] SpellCache is not populating for new accounts.
#1502 opened by Melissa3920 - 0
[ENH] Migrate from 3.1.69 to 3.2.00 for TWW
#1490 opened by TimothyLuke - 2
[ENH] Rebind Original Vehicle and Mount Keybindings when entering a vehicle or using a mount
#1491 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[BUG] GSE KeyBind not scaling leaving Sequence names overlapped hard to read
#1492 opened by LarryThiessen - 1
[BUG] /gse not working throwing LUA errors
#1493 opened by Rykeen-sargeras - 2
[ENH] Make Raw Edit work with Multi-Line Macrotext
#1495 opened by Smokenoaken - 2
Sequence Debugger gives me a lua error[BUG]
#1496 opened by Melissa3920 - 0
[ENH] Add a “What Changed” frame for login for TWW.
#1497 opened by TimothyLuke - 24
[BUG] Condition Resets Not working when using GSE Sequence but works from In Game Macro
#1498 opened by LarryThiessen - 0
[ENH] Add GSE Discord to About
#1499 opened by TimothyLuke - 26
[ENH] Add support for controller buttons for keybinding sequences
#1533 opened by Rumik - 4
[BUG] Joining a Group or Raid Gives LUA Error
#1534 opened by lloskka - 2
[BUG] Elvui not allowing ALT+keybinds
#1520 opened by Rykeen-sargeras - 3
[BUG] Adding a variable block seems to bork the sequences
#1524 opened by claytonkimber - 6
[BUG] No Keybind for Controller
#1525 opened by Coopecl - 7
[BUG] Cant save option to Bliz character macro
#1526 opened by djazzington - 4
Castsequence reset condition bricks macros in a block.
#1527 opened by gotex007 - 3
[BUG] unable to swap between macro and macrotext in same sequence
#1503 opened by TimothyLuke - 1
[ENH] Create event that can be monitored by Weakauras to show current sequence status
#1504 opened by TimothyLuke - 1
[BUG] GSESeq not activating first block when type is not a spell and single block sequence
#1505 opened by LarryThiessen - 2
[BUG] Blank Version Tab after Creating a New Sequence
#1506 opened by LarryThiessen - 1
GSE and Bartender
#1536 opened by Siodar - 3
Reload lua error [BUG]
#1510 opened by Melissa3920 - 2
[BUG] GSE macros not changing when Skyriding
#1512 opened by Kirsty99 - 1
Importing macros do not appear in Macros menu but in GSE Sequences
#1511 opened by Thrumbar - 1
Downloaded latest retail version, Sequence Editor has no macros. Tried to import a new macro and nothing showing in editor?
#1513 opened by spudranger - 3
#1514 opened by Seeyen - 5
[BUG]In the GSE macro, the macro icon is not being created.
#1515 opened by milwoo - 1
[BUG] GSE Sequence is NOT Exporting unmanaged Macros
#1518 opened by LarryThiessen - 3
[ENH] Allow Keybinds to be tied to Talent Loadouts within a Spec
#1519 opened by TimothyLuke - 2
Lua. error sorage [BUG]
#1537 opened by Mrbahaga - 2
[BUG] Macro Not Saving Bug
#1538 opened by KohaPE - 1
LUA[BUG] New after updates
#1539 opened by Seeyen - 2
[ENH] Add a visual indicator that a GSE sequence is running.
#1540 opened by Rumik - 2
[ENH] Add Sequence Editor List Add Sorting much like in GSE Keybind Area
#1545 opened by LarryThiessen - 1
#1542 opened by Sarrion970 - 1
[BUG] Importing of INGAME Macros from GSE Export Duplications
#1543 opened by LarryThiessen - 2
[BUG] Cannot Open Keybindings
#1544 opened by trellz - 0
[BUG] /targetenemy fails when unit attribute applied to macro blocks
#1546 opened by TimothyLuke - 10
#1547 opened by Goten87 - 3
#1549 opened by Melissa3920 - 0
[BUG] Ignore me - I'm dumb - close please
#1550 opened by LarryThiessen - 2
[ENH] Update Talent Storage
#1552 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[ENH] remove Upper case Restriction in Sequence Names
#1551 opened by TimothyLuke - 8
[BUG] Keybinding unaccessible
#1554 opened by unimalek - 0
[BUG] Can't Import even after fresh install
#1555 opened by buntconch72 - 0
GSE record[BUG]
#1556 opened by Siodar - 0
[ENH] Reenable Printing of modifiers on GSEButton Click
#1557 opened by TimothyLuke