- 3
[REC] Sin rogue opener is incorrect out of combat
#2912 opened by fzarr - 23
[REC] Havoc Opener + following Recommendations seem to be wrong
#2913 opened by Naaw - 3
Aug Evoker Ebon Might is not recommended after opener
#2914 opened by n00del - 1
[BUG] Deep Breath appearing randomly and no Living Flame.
#2915 opened by TheeCableguy - 2
[REC] Assassination not able to give recco after prolonged use 1-3 target happens fairly often
#2918 opened by GamingSeat - 4
[REC] Outlaw pre-combat Roll the Bones is never recomended. Might also help solve #2820
#2916 opened by IIeTpoc - 3
[REC] Crimson tempest not recommended when target swapping is active
#2919 opened by Delerp - 16
Agumentation - Eruption recommanded outside Ebon Might buff and other minor issue
#2920 opened by N30Exca - 1
[BUG] The game is freeze when I use the Fracture spell as Vengeance Demon Hunter
#2922 opened by gerhatmark - 3
[REC] Assassination opener
#2923 opened by Delerp - 6
Unholy DK - Gargoyle showing Dark Arbiter Icon in Rotation after Update, can't / won't clear
#2924 opened by notoriousmonster - 4
DH Vangeance game freeze
#2925 opened by n00del - 6
[REC] Hunter's Mark Not Recommended For Hunter Specs
#2926 opened by sudoalias - 3
[REC] Unholy - Mirror being prompted to use after army
#2927 opened by Breadwinka - 3
Destruction ST and AoE Rotation
#2897 opened by Catabolik - 2
There is no DnD recommendation in AOE from Frost DK
#2898 opened by nechyu - 2
Balance druid: Keep getting recommended to go into lunar eclipse in single target even though solar eclipse is so much better in single
#2899 opened by Drazatraza - 4
Disc Priest not recommending mind blast before penance
#2900 opened by Yelafox1 - 2
Survival Hunter Coordinated Assault Kill Shot Macro issue
#2903 opened by Bingo176 - 4
Augmentation evoker APL
#2901 opened by labudjipjev - 1
[BUG] Spell Interrupts Off GCD Still Showing GCD (Indicating I Can't Press It Yet When I Can)
#2902 opened by StreetLight777 - 5
[REC] Disc Priest not recommending Penance during Shadow Covenant after update v10.2.0-1.0.0h
#2905 opened by Sragoodwin - 6
[REC] Recommending Trinket and Roll the Bones during Subterfuge/ Shadow Dance on Outlaw HO build
#2906 opened by wheatbread - 3
[REC] Unholy DK Priority list not recommending Trinkets
#2907 opened by burnshadowz - 0
[FEATURE] Outlaw Rogue. BtE with Crackshot triggers CtO.
#2911 opened by IIeTpoc - 2
Enhancement trinket doesn't work
#2929 opened by nechyu - 0
[BUG] Unable to import priorities into Hekili on Wrath Classic.
#2928 opened by dohkoe - 1
[FEATURE] Not Enough Resources Icon Adjustment
#2936 opened by GodsfavoritePerson - 1
Shaman enhancment AOE Rotation BUG
#2937 opened by Chicotx - 18
Demo: Not recommending CD's after opening sequence
#2930 opened by Catabolik - 14
[BUG] No longer showing action bar reccomnedations on Hunter
#2931 opened by jdm12983 - 2
Doesn't Appear to be swapping recommended ST/AOE Aituations on AUTO.
#2932 opened by AndrewKarlton - 1
enh aoe prio not working
#2933 opened by Socksr4urfeet928 - 3
AOE not working: ret pal prio doesn't recommend aoe spells when multiple mobs near
#2934 opened by Zachairi - 0
[FEATURE] Not Enough Resources Adjustment
#2935 opened by GodsfavoritePerson - 6
Arms AOE rotation not being recommended
#2938 opened by jsuarezik - 2
Survival Hunter - Recently, 2 new bugs appeared - One related to Harpoon and Butchery
#2940 opened by Sapphire3279 - 0
VDH sigil of flame issue
#2939 opened by Sylvanas714 - 12
#2941 opened by Hekili - 4
[REC] Enhancement Shaman Multi-target priority not registering in combat
#2942 opened by nodillman - 1
[REC] Assarogue recommendations for AOE/Multitarget on Automode / targetcount missing
#2943 opened by alonewicked - 5
Assassination Rogue AoE Priority Issues
#2944 opened by Coachb21 - 11
Addon not loading properly.
#2945 opened by chrisp088 - 1
Survival hunter Harpoon and aoe priorities incorrect/not displaying
#2946 opened by KindYettio - 1
[BUG] Provide a short, clear title for your Bug Report
#2947 opened by ThomasFinley96 - 4
[BUG] Error occurring when logging into game as a Monk.
#2951 opened by Ookami313 - 2
Enhancement AOE Prio displayin CL over LB
#2948 opened by ittsKC - 2
Enhancement Shaman Primordial Wave Issue
#2949 opened by Bingo176 - 5
Warrior =>charge in front of target + dont recognize aoe situations
#2950 opened by leonardoochaves - 2
Fel Barrage recommendations
#2952 opened by ROWZZ823