- 1
config for absorbs
#201 opened by kesava-wow - 1
put stagger bar below health/energy
#202 opened by simingy - 4
The Addon cannot remember
#203 opened by x00dis - 3
[Concussive Shot] Spell id: 5116 Hunter Concussive shot not showing on nameplates
#204 opened by nToxik - 4
Add cooldownframes to simple-aura-mods
#205 opened by Rreba - 1
"Frame sizes -> Minus frame width" slider doesn't work properly
#206 opened by killarny - 2
Aura text offset options
#207 opened by kesava-wow - 1
personal resource buff display timer incorrect when time is altered
#208 opened by simingy - 2
Class powers not updating correctly (Affliction Warlock)
#209 opened by Mykeh22 - 0
castbars not shown on hostile units when their frames are first created or shown
#210 opened by kesava-wow - 5
localisation translate question
#211 opened by EKE00372 - 1
localisation for number format + level format
#213 opened by kesava-wow - 0
auras doesn't switch to debuffs after a possession effect ends
#214 opened by kesava-wow - 1
Gundrak Sneks
#216 opened by Neithis - 1
improve unit event performance
#219 opened by kesava-wow - 0
different border colour for auras from other casters
#218 opened by kesava-wow - 2
Feature Request: Disable Friendly/Enemy Auras separately
#220 opened by Venara - 3
Fake name only mode inside instances - possible idea
#221 opened by ceylina - 0
disable default nameplate animations
#228 opened by kesava-wow - 6
Non targeted enemy NPCs nameplates showing
#229 opened by Cityfella - 1
Couple issues
#230 opened by Gilgatn - 0
Swapping profiles based on spec or role
#231 opened by d87 - 0
Kui template not displayed ?
#234 opened by corbakhan - 1
Configurable cast bar anchor point
#232 opened by lakhpache - 1
Option for only healthbar to be accepted as clickable
#233 opened by lakhpache - 2
[Request] I want to show a percent sign behind the number.
#236 opened by ILIKECHICKENTOOMUCH - 2
Change Target arrows shadow
#235 opened by corbakhan - 2
Changing Castbar Spellname size and position
#237 opened by K4r4zh4n - 1
Font and visual style for non-combat pets...
#240 opened by ZaephirMoth - 1
Small visual oddity...
#239 opened by ZaephirMoth - 1
Name-only additional features ?
#241 opened by ZaephirMoth - 2
Can't disable pet nameplates
#238 opened by Zarupta - 1
Absolute Corruption Affliction Warlock Talent
#242 opened by Hopplagrill - 2
Hide personal resource nameplates.
#243 opened by henrymendeez - 1
Multiple Fonts
#245 opened by Havocados - 1
Disable default cast bar
#244 opened by yjeroen - 1
#246 opened by funi9 - 0
Question about nameplates showing in combat
#247 opened by ToastemPopUp - 1
Inverted health bars/color by hp (question)
#248 opened by nyliya - 0
language selection
#249 opened by kesava-wow - 1
Request: Change aura icon text color and size.
#250 opened by xaring - 1
Enemy name plates not showing up after update
#252 opened by brianthedog90 - 4
pixel correction and the case of the disappearing text
#253 opened by kesava-wow - 4
Brewmaster ox statue off-tank detection
#251 opened by kesava-wow - 1
BfA initial load
#254 opened by jazz836062 - 1
tiny plugin to fire a UNIT_FACTION-like message
#255 opened by kesava-wow - 2
"reset this page" button
#256 opened by kesava-wow - 1
[Feature Request] Cast name inside cast bar
#257 opened by jcadduono - 1
doesn't work on warrior alt
#258 opened by etzix92 - 4
auras.lua:571: TexCoord out of range
#259 opened by Rastaphasta