- 5
Show state icons doesn't work
#150 opened by Crayovan - 1
LUA error
#151 opened - 1
Offset for personal resource display
#153 opened by Schlurcher - 2
Auras CooldownFrame (spiral animation)
#152 opened by kesava-wow - 2
Set Maximum health and current healt on health bars
#155 opened by Daniel-one - 0
Feature Request: Healthbars only on Players
#154 opened by Thorbas123 - 8
Lua error in raid
#156 opened by NLZ - 1
class power icons are ugly due to pixel alignment issues with the textures
#157 opened by kesava-wow - 1
test nameonly_all_enemies, nameonly_neutral, nameonly_in_combat, new logic in PVP
#158 opened by kesava-wow - 1
ability to disable auras on friends/enemies specifically
#159 opened by kesava-wow - 1
name-only combat detection also applies to friendlies
#160 opened by kesava-wow - 1
settings being reset "randomly"
#164 opened by kesava-wow - 0
move KuiNameplatesPlayerAnchor to framework
#165 opened by kesava-wow - 0
(BossMods) delay handling of DisableFriendlyNameplates until PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED
#166 opened by kesava-wow - 7
(Boss Mode) After Reload -> Friendly Nameplates on
#167 opened by Merathilis - 3
Enhancement: OmniCC support on Auras (or something equal)
#168 opened by Lyzu - 2
("Force tank mode") Only use offtank colour if the player is a tank
#161 opened by Juggerone - 0
execute pvp detection event isn't unregistered when range is manually set
#162 opened by kesava-wow - 2
option to alter cvar "nameplateOverlapV"
#163 opened by Brackz777 - 0
(Boss mods) option to enable clickthrough of friendly nameplates when they are automatically enabled
#169 opened by kesava-wow - 3
(Boss mods) option to make friendly nameplates invisible (in conjuction with clickthrough) unless used by an aura
#170 opened by kesava-wow - 7
Quest exclamation/question marks on nameplates
#171 opened by vestrene - 1
Text -> Hide non-tracked names doesn't always work
#172 opened by yifanzh - 3
Combat action: friendly BUG
#173 opened by RoyalSertr - 1
cooldown frames on auras overlap/intersect
#174 opened by kesava-wow - 1
merge auras "whitelist" + "default ui filter" options
#175 opened by kesava-wow - 1
[castbar] fade on interrupt/finish rather than immediately disappearing
#176 opened by kesava-wow - 0
make it possible to use blizzard's class resources on the target
#177 opened by kesava-wow - 0
x/y offset for class resources
#178 opened by kesava-wow - 1
Feature - Stacking / overlapping different for Friendly / enemy
#181 opened by carry101 - 2
options for cvars
#180 opened by kesava-wow - 3
Profile menu unable to be used
#182 opened by Kronickhaz - 1
Error after combat
#183 opened by RoyalClem - 3
Feature Request: Custom Nameplates
#184 opened by danielseide - 3
avoid fading casting
#185 opened by kesava-wow - 1
[tankmode] make offtank detection use threat list instead of target
#186 opened by kesava-wow - 0
Option to disable enemy nameplates
#187 opened by Connorjevans - 1
Default UI filter does not track Stellar Empowerment
#188 opened by derickso - 0
Diminishing Returns
#189 opened by 0x7061 - 2
[Feature Request] Avoid Fading on Enemies
#190 opened by Dahgoth - 1
Stacked nameplates with base one
#191 opened by czapleusz - 1
[7.2] option to hide/show friendly nameplates upon entering/leaving instances
#192 opened by kesava-wow - 1
7.2 Class Power issue
#193 opened by arinn1204 - 2
Auras won't display on Nameplates.
#194 opened by EternalSoulz666 - 3
No nameplates/health bars
#195 opened by vosy1984 - 1
Spells being tracked by auras despite not being in the whitelist
#196 opened by kesava-wow - 0
[Feature Request] Show threat brackets on targets you don't have threat on
#197 opened by Toxijuice - 3
- 1
castbars not shown on newly-visible frames
#199 opened by kesava-wow - 0
test absorbs in pvp
#200 opened by kesava-wow