- 1
[Feature Request] Enemy class icons
#100 opened by derickso - 1
BUG: Smooth health and bars updates
#102 opened by kasiopec - 1
Health/power text on personal frame
#103 opened by kesava-wow - 0
Yellow name-only text for attackable neutral units (i.e. not neutral rep friendlies)
#104 opened by kesava-wow - 2
Marksman Hunter Vulnerabilty Debuff not showing on nameplate
#105 opened by agent7773 - 0
Debuffs on the personal frame
#106 opened by pjeannet - 2
#101 opened by 40P3 - 1
does f.NameOnlyGlow update correctly (e.g. when tanking)?
#107 opened by kesava-wow - 7
Option to turn off NPC titles
#111 opened by Weissrolf - 10
npc title text shows levels on languages other than en-us
#112 opened by kesava-wow - 1
avoid affecting combat / avoid tracked fade rules
#113 opened by Weissrolf - 1
[Feature Request] Option to disable health gradient
#114 opened by Stanzilla - 1
[Leftie] Name-only name
#115 opened by Stanzilla - 1
Z and Y axis alignment for Auras
#108 opened by Rynthian - 6
Option to tweak auras frame positions
#109 opened by d87 - 1
Option to use default UI whitelist for auras
#110 opened by d87 - 0
disabling glow as shadow breaks threat glow until target glow is activated
#119 opened by kesava-wow - 0
option to disable threat glow
#120 opened by kesava-wow - 2
#121 opened by Homaxz - 3
Cannot find an AceAddon 'KuiNameplates'
#116 opened by MonthOLDpickle - 1
Threat when Tank/DPS to work as it did on TidyPlatesThreatPlates.
#117 opened by Freakatsu - 4
class powers sometimes don't update correctly (warlock)
#118 opened by Whysz - 0
Name-Only Neutral Mob Option: Enhancement
#122 opened by Dark-talon - 1
Enhancemet: Tank Nameplates
#123 opened by Palonblade - 1
Enhancement: Do not fade names during Pet Battles
#124 opened by Fraktyl - 0
Combo points (class power) disappear after leaving a battleground or arena.
#125 opened by Mattattw - 0
Disable execute color for friendly nameplates
#131 opened by flargojargo - 0
Auras: "Show on personal frame" re-shows auras on the personal frame even if auras is disabled.
#126 opened by kesava-wow - 1
More settings for text
#127 opened by Daeveren - 1
Bigger frames on aggro
#129 opened by Daeveren - 0
Option to only show threat brackets when grouped
#128 opened by Daeveren - 0
Toggle for colored level text
#130 opened by Daeveren - 1
No health bar/name only mode for npc, only standard name with thin ugly font
#134 opened by cothurn - 1
about execute
#132 opened by fafaraway - 1
how to disable hunter.deathknight"s pet nameplate?
#133 opened by z2z2z - 1
[FEATURE REQUEST] text on "Interrupted"
#135 opened by Homaxz - 1
Concussive Shot no longer showing on target via Kui Spell Assist/List
#137 opened by agent7773 - 1
Request: Current health and percentage shown at the same time
#138 opened by teorikraften - 1
error when just logging on
#136 opened by tresser - 2
Threat state for when aggro is lost
#139 opened by d87 - 2
power par on plates?
#140 opened by ikuria - 0
Tapped vs Tank mode threat priority
#141 opened by Musouv - 14
KUI does not work at all
#142 opened by Sir-Hexen - 1
class power icon glow alpha value sometimes incorrect
#143 opened by kesava-wow - 0
KUI Name Plates Not Working PROPERLY
#144 opened by Sir-Hexen - 1
KUI Name Plates Not Displaying PROPERLY
#145 opened by Sir-Hexen - 1
LibSharedMedia settings reset if KNP is loaded before the addon which provides the chosen file
#146 opened by kesava-wow - 1
Threat display on nameplates
#147 opened by geancarlo2 - 1
[Feature Request] All Debuffs/Buffs on Friendly Name Plates
#149 opened by dremglob - 0
[Feature Request] Separate colour option for group/raid member health bars
#148 opened by Zuleyus