- 1
Offset for spell damage component of melee hits
#18 opened by grlffchrs - 5
No text is displayed when damaging structures
#29 opened by stdNullPtr - 2
Display Absorb Damage
#30 opened by ybettayeb - 1
Feature request: round to whole number
#32 opened by mana-break - 1
Hosting on alternative addon site?
#19 opened by daegalus - 2
Showing text even when far away
#33 opened by jmpalomares - 1
#34 opened by Flameknight88 - 1
getting lua errors on wotlk
#22 opened by Einherjar-FTC - 2
Feature request: Option to hide decimal when truncating number
#23 opened by veev-code - 3
Immune Spam in v10.0.7
#24 opened by ljlevend - 1
Overkill text
#25 opened by Eiganjos - 2
Feature request: Allowlist for filters
#26 opened by RedSkotina - 4
Skill icons are displayed over healthbar while damage numbers are below
#28 opened by liujiaruirz - 4
Taken Damage Show
#35 opened by ekrrkaan - 1
Lua error
#39 opened by BlueNightSky - 2
#42 opened by kiruz-0 - 25
PR #38 - unable to see combat text after locale implementation
#40 opened by zbrak - 4
Version 1.38 - Unable to see NSCT text with errors at each dmg tick
#41 opened by hrlmartins - 2
1.40 is lower than 1.39 in update
#45 opened by Nikyou - 0
Can the spell name be added before the damage number?
#51 opened by 49843702 - 2
Inverse filtering doesn't work on retail.
#52 opened by hianick - 0
Show 1 Million Damage as 1000k.
#56 opened by Loloup - 2
Option to hide Immune hits
#54 opened by ljosberinn - 1
Lua Errors
#55 opened by wheatbread - 1
Filtering "Dawnlight"
#58 opened by emsc2501 - 1
Overkill DMG "Number (o: number)
#59 opened by iAmCallumJ - 1
Include the pet damage
#61 opened by Dooxzr - 0
Different frame levels for text in the same strata
#60 opened by liujiaruirz - 4
Significant FPS drop when many enemies spawning simultaneously
#62 opened by aa-chrismcfadyen - 4
Mage dots dont show damage numbers
#63 opened by imminence - 2
1.20.1-2-alpha - AceLocale-3.0 Issue
#5 opened by behub-au - 6
Damage texts disappear when target dies
#7 opened by VKupliauskis - 4
Font keeps changing
#9 opened by Hansrutger - 4
Merge off-hand damage with main-hand
#12 opened by FabioTK - 1
Won't load on the 9.1 PTR
#14 opened by Bareno - 1
1.9 missing a couple localization entries
#15 opened by Road-block - 1
Icon not using selected strata
#17 opened by DaveA50