- 3
Nameplate settings reseting after a reload/relog
#77 opened by Diablolock - 1
reset options in 8.1.5
#78 opened by yishuangfrank - 3
An issue for Souls in Mythic+ Dungeon
#79 opened by yishuangfrank - 1
Default plates showing underneath addon plates
#80 opened by Twinbladezz - 9
Truesight icon being obscured by nameplates
#81 opened by CaffeineFueled - 2
combo points
#82 opened by evilfheno - 4
Pandemic highlithing
#83 opened by Diablolock - 1
Classic WoW
#84 opened by Golrathx - 7
Range Check on nameplate
#85 opened by Diablolock - 5
PTR Issue
#86 opened by MetalHeadSeven - 2
Error after last Update
#87 opened by MetalHeadSeven - 3
Absorb Bars on all units
#88 opened by Diablolock - 4
Target touched by hostile players is colored in error(v6.23)
#91 opened by yishuangfrank - 1
Nameplate Highlighting
#92 opened by Arkilyte - 1
Custom Focus Health Bar Color
#90 opened by Diablolock - 8
NeatPlates doesn't work in Azeroth I went to the swamp and it doesn't work.
#93 opened by timbooo1 - 5
Nameplate width
#94 opened by eatticks - 6
NeatPlatesCore.Lua errors
#95 opened by TimeToCreate - 5
Neatplate Error
#96 opened by LasVenturas92 - 10
Bars show up on units not in combat.
#97 opened by jhemfl - 3
#98 opened by yishuangfrank - 1
"AbsorbWidget" is not updated.
#99 opened by DogmaTX - 4
Blizzard default plates not going away
#100 opened by Greenvase - 5
About highlighting options.
#101 opened by yishuangfrank - 2
Two Icons when I target something
#103 opened by Texan1435 - 1
Auras without duration time don't show stacks
#102 opened by Nukme - 2
Bug on Warlock Absolute Corruption
#104 opened by Diablolock - 2
Show who interrupted cast not working
#105 opened by jazzman1234 - 1
[1.13]Player pet Plates instance
#106 opened by 0ldi - 2
Range Indicator Coloress
#108 opened by Diablolock - 3
#107 opened by natelaunchbury - 3
text on castbar under nameplate
#109 opened by Demognum - 3
selecting "target" in Healthbar frame causing several bugs
#110 opened by zergpvz141 - 2
Classic - Gouge
#111 opened by fynerboi - 2
Wrong debuff time for Gouge (Rogues) [wowclassic]
#113 opened by jorgefalcao - 1
Class colors
#112 opened by dh-harald - 2
Not available on Twitch search under Classic
#114 opened by mrswadge - 2
Threat highliting and scale.
#115 opened by WorthyPenguin - 6
Color.lua:466: Usage: UnitIsInMyGuild("name")
#117 opened by DogmaTX - 3
Server disconect while in combat causes addon to break upon restart
#118 opened by dotblank - 7
#119 opened by DogmaTX - 2
Nameplates resetting after leaving combat.
#120 opened by TimpAofc - 2
Wont work on certain characters
#116 opened by ZenNugget - 10
Threat bar always active, even when solo since the latest update (.17)
#124 opened by Homeguard - 4
Classic version .14 and .15 broke nameplates completely
#121 opened by Homeguard - 10
Nameplates turn blue
#122 opened by Groar90 - 2
Orange Highlighitng ? How do i get rid of it.
#123 opened by Andoido1 - 2
[Feature Request] Cast-bar scale
#126 opened by Mysame - 3
Neatplates has stop working in classic
#127 opened by zephbrondo - 1
Party member nameplates turn to default when in dungeon
#125 opened by Groar90