Ony Bag Mate

Ony Bag Mate


Sick and tired of remembering who got the bag? Don't like a regular roll? The addon will scan the bags of players in the raid, will only shows rolls those with the minimum number of bags.

All raid members must install the addon in order to check Ony bags in their inventory.

Now I added all features I want. If you think that the program needs additional features - write them in the comments.

To roll the bag:

- Loot master should open Roll Frame by /onybm open

- All raid members do /roll

The addon will check out what is the minimal bag count in your raid.

And will show roll results for members having that minimal count


It is absolutely necessary to have your language locale. Now only en and ru languages supports.

Only /roll or /roll 1 100 commands counts, ignores other (/roll 100 100 for example).

Only first rolls after Roll Frame is open counts. Use Clear button to reset results and roll again.

Loot Future:

For master looter only. See /onybm opts to customize.

Addon can auto announce Ony bag to roll and auto open Roll Frame if open Onyxia loot with bag in it.

Now left click on player name in Roll Frame will give that player Onyxia bag if loot is open and there is the bag.

Bonus Future:

Bonuses enabled by default. You may disable it in options menu /onybm opts.

Now addon store its bonuses in guild officer notes. To perform bonus changes you need to have the permission to change officer notes.

If you use other addons that save their data in the officers notes, you must be sure that they do not completely overwrite the officers notes. Otherwise, all bonuses will be lost. If you use some of EPGP addons, you can try iEPGP, which was made to combine with OnyBagMate.

The option "Roll bonus per Onyxia kill" shows bonus points that will adds to player rolls. So if some player kill Onyxia for 7 times he gets 35 bonus points to his rolls.

Bonuses adds on Onyxia kill automatically. It happens if there a master looter. The two options "Raid Bonuses" and "Guild Bonuses" are exclusive:

- Raid Bonuses means only raid members get bonuses, include offline ones

- Guild Bonuses means all online guild member get bonuses, include offline raid members

There is way for Bonus Keeper to set historical bonuses for all guild and you need classic.warcraftlogs.com Guild logs for it:

- Go to your guild in classic.warcraftlogs.com

- Go to Attendance page (menu under the Guild name, left to default calendar page)

- Choose Onyxia instead of default All Zones

- Scroll down, go to last page that contain your oldest raids

- Click "CSV" button to download data

- Open downloaded file in notepad and CTRL+C copy text

- In game go to OnyBagMate options by /onybm opts

- Click "Import csv" button - new frame will appear

- CTRL+V paste text that copied before, click "Import" button at teh top of frame

- Addon will print message like "OnyBagMate: imported X raids. Last raid set to XX/X." if import was successful.

- Import all pages from classic.warcraftlogs.com Attendance page from oldest to newest the same way

Gratz, your Onyxia veterans will be grateful!