- 5
"Status->Cooldown Progress (Spell)->Show GCD" that checks whether the specified spell is subject to GCD
#2840 opened by razko - 5
Audio and text being triggered on zone
#2841 opened by Caldar - 2
Scale progress texture to progress amount
#2842 opened by attickdoor - 2
[Classic] Long fades in animation sometimes skip ahead
#2843 opened by pmb123 - 2
WeakAuras 3.1.4: Not able to find PvP icons
#2844 opened by bbenefield89 - 1
Status: Weapon Enchant, Remaining Time
#2845 opened by ManagerWoW - 1
Fix link on Curse page
#2849 opened by azuraji - 18
Error occured when wago string was imported
#2850 opened by TerickJojo - 4
tooltips run off screen when auras attached to nameplate
#2846 opened by tidehunter1 - 1
"Grow" option should be preserved when updating a dynamic group with "size and position" unchecked
#2847 opened by cremor - 1
V. 3.1.5 Installs from the Hub as classic
#2854 opened by sabanim - 0
Weird custom trigger editbox title
#2856 opened by mrbuds - 1
'Grow' Option changes when updating aura from wago.
#2857 opened by krazyito65 - 0
Possible Mail Lua Glitch Classic
#2853 opened by Rootkit- - 0
Monster Say trigger throws an error if the Message contains an apostrophe
#2865 opened by jrowles - 0
Deleting a trigger from a group with the group selected does not propagate through the group
#2866 opened by krijos - 2
Certain wa not displaying and now getting error
#2867 opened by blackjack1031 - 0
Better load conditions for instance type + difficulty
#2858 opened by nullValueReturned - 1
Rebuke and Hand of Reckoning have same Y offset, Hammer of justice also has different y offset than expecting
#2859 opened by cdelstad - 0
startTime nil Error in multiple wa's after updating to
#2862 opened by emmetotter - 2
[request] Copy url/ link
#2870 opened by makedir - 11
[request] Debuff type = raid debuff
#2871 opened by makedir - 3
nil value in generic trigger
#2869 opened by Rottenbeer - 1
WeakAura BUG
#2873 opened by Lynxzes - 3
[request] play sound button in actions settings
#2872 opened by makedir - 6
Dynamic resizing of Icons in a dynamic group to fit a fixed size defined for the group
#2878 opened by psyquest - 4
Message contains exactly throwing error
#2876 opened by Prejudice182 - 2
Conflict with Elvui
#2880 opened by Roktaal - 3
Anchor to Boss Frame failing
#2881 opened by Saxayone - 1
WeakAuras and ElvUI new issue
#2882 opened by mbarbone1369 - 1
Bug with Combine Matches and Remaining on Bufftrigger2
#2883 opened by asaka-wa - 0
#2884 opened by lrrzlr201314 - 1
Memory Consumption Increase Over Time , starting from 11.82mb
#2885 opened by ze3rax - 2
Id item
#2886 opened by Worlingkit - 2
Problem of nameplate anchor
#2889 opened by zcqiu - 1
Tigger with unit (ie: smart group, nameplate...) do not register their information unless they are the dynamic information provider
#2888 opened by supergeoff - 2
New Load Settings for Instance Size Type / Instance Type - Suggestion to change
#2890 opened by Naiyia - 1
Monster Say trigger is not working with some strings
#2891 opened by jrowles - 1
Cant Import or delete wa
#2892 opened by Andjelo - 3
Unit name displayed as nil
#2893 opened by jimmycuadra - 2
#2895 opened by SaintSilent - 1
Unexpected symbol in WeakAuras.lua file
#2894 opened by LukaszGretka - 1
Error when clicking the Weakaura frame title bar to move the options panel after opening a large weakaura group
#2897 opened by aa-chrismcfadyen - 7
Implement a "Not Zone Name", "Not Zone ID", "Not Encounter ID(s)" feature
#2898 opened by NaR00W - 2
custom activation function bug
#2899 opened by Seigerzz - 1
Health Bar Color Bug
#2896 opened by Fing10 - 1
[classic] additional convenience triggers in Load tab.
#2901 opened by pmb123 - 0
Duplicate Conditions
#2904 opened by byAuxilius - 0
Status Resources - stagger throwing lua error when Used on "group/smart group/focus" units
#2902 opened by Jodsderechte - 1
Request for feature: When to check triggers?
#2905 opened by Ayzkronos