- 2
Alpha of icon with position anchored to another icon is determined by other icon
#2906 opened by williamcol3 - 1
Progress Bar Add Model doesn't accept "player" attribute
#2909 opened by Uriyel - 2
error - '<unnamed>:Hide()'.
#2907 opened by woohunter - 4
Rightclick Dropdown menu not showing up
#2908 opened by GarVishLS - 0
Empty strings in Player Level and Player Effective Level load options cause breaking error.
#2911 opened by nullKomplex - 1
Cannot get Spell Known Status trigger to work for Condemn
#2913 opened by AzidestaGit - 2
Legendaries sharing the same base item not distinguishable in WA Load Settings.
#2917 opened by jwshive - 3
Export String Contains Bogus Class Information
#2918 opened by Amadeus- - 1
Add folder to help organize auras
#2919 opened by voidlol - 6
tracking cast on multiple bosses/nameplate shows twice
#2921 opened by nukhub - 0
Add AFFILIATION_MINE option to Combat Log triggers
#2920 opened by raethkcj - 0
Critical Mass tracking Fire Mage
#2925 opened by CryticalF - 3
All of my WA gone
#2930 opened by krahmalec - 2
Default Trigger for the Kyrian (covenant) proc doesn't work
#2931 opened by StoRmBinD - 1
Buff Inevitable Demise not showing when using name instead of buff-id
#2932 opened by Siebo1337 - 2
Load condition: Soulbind selected
#2926 opened by Theguyxd - 4
boss5 debuff WA not working properly
#2927 opened by jaervified - 0
spell not known
#2928 opened by rml9ty - 1
trigger pvp talent selected
#2929 opened by rml9ty - 2
Add Support for using class color
#2934 opened by syndenbock - 1
WeakAurasCooldown Frame Not Inheriting Correct Scaling
#2935 opened by ManagerWoW - 2
Unreliable activation of Glow
#2933 opened by Xo1o - 1
Simulate different class, character, or zone etc. to see which WeakAuras load in different circumstances
#2937 opened by cloudbells - 1
Added Shadowlands Spell Models and search
#2940 opened by volko1ak - 1
Generic Trigger - spell cooldown - remaining time - GCD dependant
#2938 opened by McKazou - 5
Error: attempt to index local 'state' (a nil value)
#2939 opened by eltreum0 - 0
WeakAuras.Import checks type against nil instead of 'nil'
#2943 opened by Snakybo - 1
Progress bar Foreground-color disappearing when full
#2941 opened by TalasNetrag - 4
Shadow Dance cooldown bar is showing the buff duration instead, when Enveloping Shadows talent is selected
#2942 opened by TalasNetrag - 0
Adding \n to text field opens the custom function field
#2946 opened by NaR00W - 5
Lua error - Custom check conditions aura_env
#2949 opened by Zidras - 2
[Buff remaining time < GCD] | [Buff remaining time < CD remaining time]
#2945 opened by Fosphen - 4
Slick Ice"(6823)" - "item Bonus ID Equipped" will not recognized or symbol will not displayed
#2950 opened by tehmilcho - 0
Add support for DBM pausing timers
#2951 opened by jrowles - 5
3.1.9-36-gdaaf108 - Not Working
#2952 opened by behub-au - 2
Text Aura not displaying with Always Active Trigger
#2955 opened by Crelam - 1
Bugs in 3.1.9-37-g62029a4 alpha
#2956 opened by Nightwarden24 - 0
LUA error with WA 3.1.9-37 (glow related ??)
#2954 opened by Moowalker - 0
Hunter's mark multi target
#2961 opened by voidlol - 2
Aura Icon now showing up on Combat Log Aura Event Trigger
#2959 opened by MarkoRacz - 2
Individual categories for SharedMedia sources
#2964 opened by Causese - 7
Lua error - state (a nil value)
#2966 opened by Zidras - 4
LUA errors after update
#2968 opened by Jaedra - 1
Regression: cannot create school based debuff trigger
#2970 opened by kuhma - 1
Burning Wound Legendary Bonus ID wrong?
#2973 opened by Nokramx - 2
Regression: cannot create school based debuff trigger
#2972 opened by kuhma - 0
Add load condition for rated pvp instance
#2978 opened by SUPERWINS - 1
Aura animations causing frame drops
#2975 opened by FaleWhail - 2
"Item" "Cooldown Ready Event (Slot)" triggers don't return the item's name in the given slot
#2976 opened by MarkoRacz - 4
Tooltip outputs broken in 3.2.1
#2979 opened by Saxayone