- 12
Bugged Triggers Druid Forms SoM
#3429 opened by silverselo - 5
Order of sub elements is wrong sometimes.
#3430 opened by Weeeqt - 1
#3432 opened by Ironii - 5
switching to german makes at least icons unfunctional, switching back doesn't help
#3415 opened by Hacki1337 - 1
Link aura in chat having a name with "[" or "]"
#3417 opened by Ucyt - 1
Can't add new Option in custom options since version 3.7.4
#3419 opened by Nercus - 0
Adding more than one sub option corrupts the aura
#3420 opened by Nercus - 2
Unclickable-through overlay
#3422 opened by WolfxUdK - 0
Quirk with Sub Elements
#3423 opened by epigramx - 0
Exact Spell Match Failure for 982
#3424 opened by mltco78dhs - 15
TBCC: Enter combat event trigger broken
#3425 opened by Rahuruk - 2
The "Creating Button" sticks to 365/393 and doesn't change whenever I reload the game
#3426 opened by JerryMMo - 2
Bug when opening LFG
#3428 opened by SUU09 - 3
Every auras gone in config window(/wa) , but they are actually working with the latest alpha version.
#3436 opened by roundzero - 1
BCC alpha 3.7.6-4-gd1930c4-bcc GenericTrigger error
#3437 opened by Road-block - 1
Getting LUA Error on Sign In with Latest on TBCC
#3438 opened by Gogo1951 - 1
Protect WeakAuras from custom code creating protected frames
#3440 opened by InfusOnWoW - 1
Disable AbandonQuest API
#3441 opened by Pixol-WoW - 1
Generic Trigger
#3442 opened by OttoDeFe - 3
New update deleted all conditions
#3444 opened by Sarux - 3
Automatic Repair Comfirmation Dialog
#3447 opened by hizuro - 4
Specific spell in trigger doesn't work after last patches
#3448 opened by Firehex12 - 2
Issue for users importing aura after 3.7.7
#3449 opened by wing5wong - 1
Clean up validation/defaults handling
#3453 opened by InfusOnWoW - 0
Importing WeakAuras via link in chat sometimes fails in 3.7.7
#3452 opened by Desik - 3
Option to change Action Button Glow scale or set extra width and height.
#3454 opened by Weeeqt - 4
GetRaidRosterInfo() in custom text update only once while custom trigger of "GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE" fires functionally.
#3455 opened by roundzero - 1
%1.unitCaster text no longer showing
#3456 opened by Fudgedup - 5
Additional way to get spec for arena units in battlegrounds.
#3459 opened by Weeeqt - 3
v3.7.7+ Breaks Astral Power Tracker
#3460 opened by justinryder - 1
New patch 3.7.8-bcc, broke some of my WeakAuras, reverted to 3.7.3-bcc and it works fine again.
#3461 opened by Tadiaki - 4
Group selection sub element widget's label not showing
#3462 opened by mrbuds - 0
my auras disappeared
#3463 opened by gilga055 - 0
Class Colour option is hidden for Text type Auras
#3464 opened by asaka-wa - 5
Multi-target auras does not untrigger when remaining time reaches 0
#3465 opened by missivaeak - 1
Change link in information tab to not include version
#3466 opened by Jodsderechte - 1
Power Type - Combo Points does not trigger on Classic era
#3467 opened by derM4rK - 1
Wrong string exported from wago right after uploading.
#3482 opened by roundzero - 0
A different separator should be used for the Zone Name option (the Load tab)
#3483 opened by Nightwarden24 - 2
Inbuilt swing timer trigger doesn't reset progress on extra attacks!
#3469 opened by Palemand - 1
%count text replacement for Bigwigs Timer
#3471 opened by Causese - 5
Built in text subregion of raidMark returns text if index of SetRaidTarget > 8
#3473 opened by roundzero - 1
#3477 opened by RAtwood90 - 2
Log-in Error
#3479 opened by Vihcks - 3
Lag on Mythic Sylvanas Windrunner since version 3.7.8
#3484 opened by syndenbock - 5
Lua Error on Condition was breaking aura completely.
#3480 opened by Dradux-dev - 1
Closing whisper tabs in combat glitches if WeakAura addon is running
#3486 opened by RevOB24 - 0
Faction Reputation trigger has not all factions
#3487 opened by Nightwarden24 - 2
Lua Error since Version 3.7.9
#3488 opened by Cheveyo10 - 5
#3493 opened by wangtao39