- 2
Weakauras with a close bracket "]" in the name cannot be shared in game
#3360 opened by Zyin055 - 1
Slant function of progress texture aura
#3361 opened by roundzero - 1
Adjust the size and position of the progress bar icon individually
#3338 opened by fafaraway - 0
TBC: Distinction between "group" and "raid" in Source Affiliation trigger
#3341 opened by MassMania - 3
Memory leak on Mouse-Related WA's
#3342 opened by Huijiro - 4
Support for Kyrian Rogue legendary not working as attended
#3343 opened by Stealthiii - 0
BonusID matching is matching on itemid
#3344 opened by thenoid - 1
Add Target Unit of spellcast trigger to use it for Internal glow external element features
#3346 opened by Jodsderechte - 2
TBC: Group By Frame > Unit Frames misbehaving with Plexus
#3347 opened by Jinnai - 1
TBC: Pet's won't show in display / buff-list
#3348 opened by KarrokDC - 3
TBC: Allow filtering on Include Pets option (to show Players + Hunter pets)
#3349 opened by KarrokDC - 3
Unable to scroll down from top if all visible groups collapsed
#3350 opened by kanegasi - 1
TTS option for conditional function
#3351 opened by Saxayone - 0
TBC: Pet status in trigger does not update when ressurected / dismissed / revived
#3353 opened by KarrokDC - 1
wont open
#3355 opened by Dasblade - 2
Leader detection
#3356 opened by DemonfangArun - 0
Bufftrigger option to not care about Buff/Debuff
#3357 opened by Jodsderechte - 1
SoM: Frost Trap Aura not functioning correctly
#3359 opened by abihaj - 0
Small quirk with display offsets
#3328 opened by epigramx - 1
How to manual Active/Deactive/Switch Auras
#3336 opened by MarcelMertens - 4
Display tab (or another area) should be able to manipulate the tooltip (e.g. "add a line with text: .....")
#3331 opened by epigramx - 1
Cant import weakauras
#3332 opened by fisken1991 - 3
Tick Thickness Issue at 49-50%
#3333 opened - 2
A new trigger for spellcasts
#3363 opened by nukhub - 0
Crowd Controlled trigger stays active teleporting from Oribos to Orgrimmar
#3364 opened by linaori - 0
Using coloring on Unit formating text replacement in SendChatMsg condition prevents msg from being sent
#3365 opened by Jodsderechte - 1
Add Unit_Spellcast events to the combatlog trigger
#3366 opened by Jodsderechte - 0
Bricked custom options tab on a weakaura using only in-game options
#3368 opened by wherefive - 1
TSU: If State of WeakAura starts with Static and changes to Timed, cooldown swipe doesn't work
#3370 opened by aurokin - 0
Toggle List custom option do not display correctly with more than 6 values (Ace)
#3371 opened by Translitdk - 2
"PvP Talent Selected" - Load setting issues
#3373 opened by asaka-wa - 2
Text Outline > Shadow Color is not applied
#3375 opened by deemerz - 1
table index is nil in validateUserConfig
#3377 opened by mrbuds - 2
Can not add certain author options types.
#3398 opened by roundzero - 3
addon action blocked
#3400 opened by Globalscrew - 1
Doesn't work with the spell 330325
#3401 opened by evgen66rus - 4
How does WA encode weak table into compressed string?
#3384 opened by yukozh - 1
Memory Leak
#3388 opened by Thanodes - 0
Match count per unit option for smart group aura trigger
#3389 opened by BartStam - 1
Super little suggestion about Sound names
#3390 opened by BigBont - 0
Dynamic Reputation
#3391 opened by FAILoZOFF - 4
Alpha Conditional Error?
#3403 opened by Crelam - 1
Global Cooldown Trigger passing Heroic Strike and Cleave dynamic information
#3404 opened by wowflexed - 1
Subregion Error on StopMotion Auras.
#3406 opened by Crelam - 1
Border glow for anima charged combo points
#3407 opened by Woahverdose - 1
Brutal Projections
#3409 opened by Wrangler4909 - 1
Resizing the options frame with a code window open scrolls it all the way up
#3410 opened by BartStam - 3
TSU: Trigger Update Text Updating For Every Clone Whenever One Updates
#3412 opened by aurokin - 2
#3413 opened by SamMousa - 1
Load Option: Legacy Loot enabled
#3414 opened by peoii