- 2
Sword spec resetting swing timer(can reliably reproduce on my end)
#3308 opened by Mizers - 0
Casting latency overlay issue
#3294 opened by roundzero - 1
Potential issue with "Overlay Charged Combo Points" feature.
#3297 opened by atrocityedge - 1
Unable to retreive current equiped Arrows
#3301 opened by DavidBabel - 1
Default font
#3299 opened by LootFever - 5
Alterac Valley being treated as 5-man Instance Size Type
#3300 opened by Pixol-WoW - 7
Looking for Text Aura who displays Shield Block VALUE (not %) - TBC classic Tank Warrior
#3303 opened by Kelineya - 1
raidMark bugged when changing targets
#3304 opened by WANoob - 0
Error when hovering Zone ID(s)
#3306 opened by ForsakenNGS - 0
Add custom variables to display text tooltip.
#3310 opened by 1ps3 - 10
Instant Disconnects after login, only on 1 toon
#3311 opened by codedbymatt - 0
Fix of Casting latency overlay issue #3294 cause an error
#3314 opened by roundzero - 0
Combo points delayed updating on target change
#3318 opened by trying-to-function - 0
Load condition + Action Usable incorrect result after teleporting
#3319 opened by linaori - 0
BCC - "Character Stats" trigger does not have spirit.
#3322 opened by kukamaru - 0
Microsoft Zira voice playing David under condition text-to-speech
#3323 opened by linaori - 0
Latency overlay texture position buggy when using condition that changes "Inverse" option
#3324 opened by syndenbock - 1
Unexpected positioning behavior of text WAs
#3326 opened by A5C11 - 2
WA bug
#3241 opened by Filmshot - 0
Incorrect name in Weapon Enchant trigger
#3242 opened by Anilusion - 1
#3240 opened by emptyrivers - 8
Clarify in the Message tooltip that %i stops messages from being printed in chat
#3244 opened by Wisdawn - 0
Add Role to bufftrigger2 states
#3247 opened by asaka-wa - 0
Some animations play too fast when selected in Model Settings
#3252 opened by ThisVay - 4
Can not get chinese charactors by new function of WeakAuras.GetMHTenchInfo()
#3248 opened by roundzero - 1
attempt to index global 'aura_env' (a nil value)
#3250 opened by Isdisbase - 0
Two simple UI problems (Model)
#3254 opened by Nightwarden24 - 4
Add SpellHit and SpellCrit to Triggers -> Character Stats
#3256 opened by cliaz - 0
Alpha bug when converting auras
#3257 opened by Arcitec - 1
/ wa doesn't work
#3259 opened - 12
Weakauras sometimes not loading in BCC PTR SSC/TK
#3261 opened by Tems91 - 1
want the WeakAuras to be adaptive for the Mop 5.4.8
#3260 opened by carbonink - 1
Microsoft defender recognizes as Trojan
#3271 opened by Thomaswalbeck - 1
Windows defender (false) positive.
#3272 opened by FearrMe - 4
Add additional original media
#3268 opened by glassleo - 3
It would be better if hunter's ranged swing bar reset to beginning when hunter casts Feign Death, and it holds still when hunter is moving until hunter stops.
#3275 opened by roundzero - 0
Mana/health deficit filter
#3273 opened by Willemhubers - 8
Weakaura2 loading problem
#3277 opened by LeFlow - 5
WAs sometimes not loading in BCC PTR raids (#2)
#3278 opened by Tems91 - 0
Aura import appends "2" to new aura with same name as existing aura that is renamed during the same import
#3279 opened by wing5wong - 5
Add Currency trigger
#3280 opened by glassleo - 2
"/wa" does not open WeakAuras2 config (with a private server Project Ascension)
#3281 opened by Jafusa - 1
Add Trigger to Armor Enchant (Chest)
#3283 opened by anhell - 6
Animation Sequence not working
#3285 opened by Hristiyan-Ivanov - 2
Health condition is incorrectly influenced by Health trigger for dead targets
#3286 opened by ntowle - 0
TTS `C_VoiceChat.SpeakText` not enabled for TBC
#3288 opened by caspervk - 4
Swing Timer resets on extra attacks in raid with DeadlyBossMods enabled
#3289 opened by Lemonism - 1
Dynamic Conditions Taking alot of Resources
#3290 opened by skjetne - 5
Error decompressing that is apparently NOT caused by any known causes
#3292 opened by JK-JNM - 0
Raider Maker Condition for Player/Unit Info
#3293 opened by ChrisKader