- 1
Server/Client crash when placing down Grate.
#790 opened by harry2258 - 1
Fonte Size Issue - 1.7.10
#792 opened by chaos234 - 3
JSON Mod Sensitivity
#794 opened by RlonRyan - 3
Missing Rendering Modes
#793 opened by RlonRyan - 1
Lost Compatibility With Pam's Harvestcraft
#795 opened by MokahTGS - 1
crashing on agricraft 2.0.0-0.5.0-a6
#796 opened by petulko8080 - 38
FPS loss with planted seeds
#797 opened by Silvrus - 2
Just updated Agricraft and InfinityLib rendering crash
#798 opened by CamaroKing59 - 1
Agricraft/InifinityLib dependency
#799 opened by nrllewellyn - 1
Melon & Pumpkin Crops Render as Wheat
#801 opened by MokahTGS - 4
Crop Stick Crops not Stacking with Regular Crops
#800 opened by MokahTGS - 7
Harvesting Weeds
#802 opened by Ravin890 - 3
Weeds and Seed Analyzer
#803 opened by Ravin890 - 3
Crash when right clicking Sprinkler with Channel in hand
#789 opened by pgourinchas - 4
Can't place crop sticks on farmland
#805 opened by Crowfooted - 1
Rendering Crash?
#804 opened by MokahTGS - 1
Other Mod Compatability
#810 opened by MokahTGS - 2
[1.10.2] Server crash at village
#806 opened by gdude2002 - 2
Village Greenhouses Generate Poorly
#807 opened by Exsolutus - 6
Scrolling too Fast in JEI past Agricraft items crashes the game
#808 opened by Ristellise - 1
Argicraft + Spongeforge java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking block entity
#809 opened by BeepoWuff - 2
Breeder cropsticks not using items
#811 opened by Tukanen - 9
#812 opened by Tukanen - 3
Broken Irrigation Channel Hitbox
#813 opened - 2
New item request: Coal seeds ?
#814 opened - 5
Need a way to get seeds
#815 opened by heatherhaks - 1
Dupe Bug with crop sticks
#816 opened by dragonpc75 - 1
Request: Vertical / Step decrease in irrigation channels.
#817 opened by dragonpc75 - 3
[1.10.2] Render crash with water tanks
#818 opened by Tencao - 5
Missing Nether Wart JSON File
#819 opened by XisplayA - 16
Possible issue with seed items
#820 opened by heatherhaks - 3
Add to the Magnifying Glass the ability to check light level
#821 opened by Waisse - 1
Biomes o' Plenty support for 1.10.2
#822 opened by lendrick - 1
Craft - Nugget DataValue
#823 opened by lagonnebula - 5
Way to get seeds
#825 opened by Waisse - 0
agricraft structures spawn incorrectly and deformed.
#826 opened by 0Navis0 - 1
enhancement: Json file for industrial hemp by immersive engineering
#824 opened by petulko8080 - 1
Crash upon breaking Tanks (NPE)
#827 opened by Elec332 - 3
[1.10.2] Cactus & Sugarcane Seeds Unplantable
#828 opened by MokahTGS - 1
[1.10.2] Seed Journal Screen Goes Black on Mouse Over
#829 opened by MokahTGS - 5
Disable Vanilla Farming broken
#831 opened by Thyriel - 4
JSON Crops not loading in/More Debug Logs Required
#832 opened by Haerar - 7
Double cropstick crops
#833 opened by Ravin890 - 2
crash when pressing "e"
#834 opened by felix920506 - 3
Mutations not occuring
#835 opened by grundyboy34 - 9
Memory leak ?
#830 opened by Waisse - 2
Farmer Villager harvest crops
#837 opened by epiz - 29
Mystical Agriculture Custom seed issues
#838 opened by TokkenGmr - 4
Pam's seeds on crops turning into cotton
#839 opened by EPSIL0N - 2
[1.10.2 a10] Bugs
#836 opened by Rudy2D2