- 0
New Agricraft Fence connect with Grass
#331 opened by Flashwar - 3
[BETA] Shears does not drop anything
#332 opened by hron84 - 3
Greenhouse resource crops
#333 opened by Thiana - 4
Feature Request: Advent of Ascension Support
#334 opened by Killarflame - 8
RotaryCraft Canola is duping
#340 opened by lesdmark - 1
Omega Garden (Suggestion)
#341 opened by teamMK - 1
[BETA] Agricraft + Harvestcraft Candleberry harvesting crash
#342 opened by TigersFangs - 16
[BETA agricraft] Texture displacement
#336 opened by CorneliusCornbread - 2
custom crops should have ability to be tied to existing seed items
#337 opened by kotoroshinoto - 2
[REQ] Return Vanilla-like behavior and look for some crops
#338 opened by anion155 - 4
Rendering item bug in NEI, Already Tesselating crash
#339 opened by xenanthropy - 2
Corrupt Ex Nihilo recipe
#346 opened by DreamingLamb - 2
Sprinkler Range
#347 opened by Thiana - 3
Seeds base-block choosing specific ore instead of oredict entries
#343 opened by kotoroshinoto - 1
Seeds in NEI
#344 opened by XFactHD - 3
[Feature Inquiry] Non-general soil whitelist
#345 opened by kotoroshinoto - 1
[crash] registerVillagerId(
#350 opened by itanshi - 2
Soil got infertile after placing a sign for identification
#349 opened by Desempregago - 17
Wooden Grate are un-Hittable from certain Angles
#359 opened by RlonRyan - 1
Crash on load when setting irrigation to false
#362 opened by HellishINC - 2
Sprinklers Pop Off Full Channel
#365 opened by RlonRyan - 2
Optifine conflict
#351 opened by joerich63 - 2
Crash report
#352 opened by C4J3 - 1
[BUG][BETA] Generated multiblock tanks in villages does not form
#354 opened by hron84 - 4
Crop.isFertile() CPU Usage
#355 opened by RlonRyan - 10
Javadoc & Commenting
#356 opened by RlonRyan - 2
Occupied Seed Storage Breaks Rendering For Grates to East
#357 opened by RlonRyan - 1
[1.4 beta] I search for uses of Yellorium Ore and had a Crash to Desktop
#372 opened by itanshi - 1
Crash to Desktop While Crafting Crops
#373 opened by reedgamingstudio - 3
TileEntityChannel performance issues
#374 opened by sfPlayer1 - 1
[Minor] Quartzanthemum Seeds have a weird name
#375 opened by gabor7d2 - 1
[Minor] Please Make Your Block Placing Sounds to Wood
#376 opened by gabor7d2 - 2
[Suggestion] Add way to plant crops automatically.
#377 opened by OneEyeMaker - 3
Possible crash with Gany's Surface
#378 opened by buttilda - 3
Neighbour update crash (incompatibility with AppEng?)
#366 opened by Cypher121 - 17
[BETA] Water pad cannot created
#367 opened by hron84 - 13
Channel Interface
#368 opened by RlonRyan - 4
[Enhancement] Add seed as a secondary drop to some plants
#369 opened by hron84 - 6
Replace direct referencing of other mods with reflection
#371 opened by InfinityRaider - 6
[Mod Interaction][Bug] Canola AgC dropping husks
#386 opened by ReikaKalseki - 4
Java Version Upgrade
#379 opened by RlonRyan - 4
"Disable Vanilla Farming" config interferes with other mods
#380 opened by shaggy1395 - 14
Water duplication bug
#382 opened by InfinityRaider - 3
[1.4.0-beta2]Witchery Mandrake never spawning the Mandrake mob on harvest
#383 opened by thephoenixlodge - 7
[BETA] Thaumcraft compatibility broken
#391 opened by hron84 - 1
Agricraft 1.4.0 Beta 3 Dedicated Server Crash
#393 opened by spocane - 9
Crash After Updating
#394 opened by lilmoefow - 7
Nei Custom Crops
#396 opened by SheppeR - 1
Weird request.
#389 opened by bookerthegeek - 18
Forestry fertilizer Won't works beta3 hotfix
#399 opened by jem991