- 0
Class: Monk
#94 opened by Tamaized - 1
Elemental Form textures seem scaled, possible mod conflict
#95 opened by Tamaized - 0
Spread and Royal Road break Draw's cooldown
#96 opened by Tamaized - 0
Revamp Caster
#97 opened by Tamaized - 0
Doublestrike ignores Hurt Time
#98 opened by Tamaized - 0
Druid XP on hit ignores Hurt Time
#99 opened by Tamaized - 0
Rename Caster, Healer and Defender
#100 opened by Tamaized - 2
NPE crash - Incompatibility Between Angel of Vengeance and Millenaire
#101 opened by Schadrach - 1
Server Crash with newer versions
#103 opened by HyperMan19680 - 0
Leaving bed resets charges regardless of sleep completion
#104 opened by Tamaized - 2
Server exception on player join in PolymorphCapabilityHandler
#102 opened by CplPibald - 1
Alignment System
#105 opened by Tamaized - 3
Fire Elemental should catch blocks on fire
#106 opened by Tamaized - 0
[Request] Add manage command ?
#55 opened by Flashback083 - 0
[Exploit] Astrologian Time Dilation Cooldown is bypassed with a Mini Reset.
#56 opened by RegulusNorth - 1
[Request] Configurable damage/kill chances
#57 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
[1.12] Server Crash while hitting entity
#58 opened by MasterEnderman - 1
Spellpower does not affect any astro spells and malefic damage is bugged
#60 opened by KamiSami - 1
Server connection of player inventory broken
#62 opened by Knito58 - 2
Angelic Statue not craft-able?
#63 opened by SoulShark - 4
Defence class broke
#64 opened by JupiterYourHero - 1
Astro's draw skill has 1 second cooldown
#67 opened by Darkveld - 0
[Suggestion] Configurable Cooldown Times
#68 opened by z64555 - 0
Server Crash, Division by zero
#65 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
#66 opened by Tamaized - 0
Server Crash
#69 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Verify Modded Shields work with Defender
#71 opened by Tamaized - 0
[Card - Balance] infinite spellpower increase exploit
#70 opened by Tamaized - 1
Compatibility with Spartan Shields
#72 opened by Rutes - 1
Searing light (Caster) does not always deal damage
#73 opened by Knito58 - 1
Exception in Server Tick Loop
#74 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
Positive Energy Burst Issue
#75 opened by RixxiRustrivet - 1
#76 opened by NielsPilgaard - 0
Suggestion about another angel-themed class (Archangel?)
#77 opened by ImSoSad - 0
Per class Shrines
#78 opened by Tamaized - 0
[1.12.2 - Suggestion] Config option to move the text dropoffs. *The text dropoffs like Double Strike, Dodged, etc.*
#79 opened by SonicX8000 - 0
[1.12.2] Defender Core 4 Skill Trait 'Block from all Sides' conflicts with Tinker's Construct's 'Spiky' Trait.
#80 opened by SonicX8000 - 0
Journeymap Waypoint render bugged
#84 opened by Tamaized - 7
Screen covered in orange and red overlay effect when updated modpack with latest version.
#81 opened by Darkmega18 - 0
Ability Cooldown radials don't render
#82 opened by Tamaized - 1
[1.12.2] Light Level renderings from mods such as "DynamicSurroundings" fail to render.
#83 opened by SonicX8000 - 0
Elemental Biome Temp Overlay stuck
#85 opened by Tamaized - 0
Morphs don't carry across dimensions
#86 opened by Tamaized - 0
Becoming uncentered isn't immediate for the client
#87 opened by Tamaized - 0
#89 opened by Tamaized - 0
Fire immunity not cleared when becoming uncentered.
#88 opened by Tamaized - 0
[Suggestion] A way to unmorph before the cooldown is over.
#90 opened by Speedy321 - 4
[1.12.2] Possible conflict with 'Scaling Health'. Damage gets scaled quite a bit if blocked with a Tinker's Battlesign while having 'Spiky' if you have Defender Core 4 unlocked.
#91 opened by SonicX8000 - 0
#92 opened by Tamaized - 0
Furious Howl doesn't respect Selective Focus
#93 opened by Tamaized