- 0
[1.12.2] Problem with Aether 2
#27 opened by MakeLord95 - 2
Support for saturation > 20
#28 opened by squeek502 - 2
[1.13.2 Forge] Crash on Generating SP World
#29 opened by Morpheus1101 - 9
[1.13.2] Getting disconnected
#31 opened by chaos234 - 2
Crash with Forge 25 b110
#32 opened by Pythonic-Rainbow - 1
Suggestion: control over hunger.
#33 opened by Milliath - 8
Crash on server bootup
#34 opened by ImAK9 - 1
Red chicken outlines?
#35 opened by Madis0 - 6
[1.14] Client crashes on startup
#36 opened by cdumars - 0
Conflict with DiUI
#38 opened by squeek502 - 2
There was a problem during loading
#39 opened by mcmso - 2
[1.14.2] Screen refactors cause a crash in dev
#40 opened by LemmaEOF - 7
Client crash on startup
#41 opened by Minigamer42 - 0
Launch crash with Optifine
#43 opened by Madis0 - 1
Feature Request: Rotten icons
#42 opened by nathanrsxtn - 1
[Suggestion]TAN Support?
#45 opened by IdrisQe - 2
Creating a new mod for Tough As Nails
#46 opened by TBiscuit1 - 1
MultiMC 1.4.13 crash using appleskin
#47 opened by mpiorowski - 2
Minecraft crash with Fabric 1.14 using voxelmap, optifabric, and optifine
#48 opened by tyfang360 - 0
Crashen when hovering over food in inventory (Both SP & MP)
#49 opened by Kevin19281 - 2
[1.14.4] Config resets to defaults
#50 opened by Wynadorn - 2
Underlay not showing up
#51 opened by EnzoIsPrettyCool - 0
Crash with 1.14 forge in dev environment when loading world
#52 opened by Trinsdar - 2
[1.14.4] Does not show saturation upon selection in hotbar.
#53 opened by fuzzyweapon - 0
[1.14.4] Appleskin encountered an error during the common_setup event phase
#55 opened by WolfBV - 6
Outdated Fabric API causes problems
#54 opened by Boobies - 13
[Suggestion] Estimated healing amount.
#56 opened by MastaNub - 2
Fabric 0.7.0 crash
#57 opened by audenga - 2
Insta crash
#58 opened by VictorGamerLOL - 2
Invite you and your Minecraft Modification to introduce to the player/audience in Taiwan.
#59 opened by blacklunaer - 4
[1.12.2] Modified vanilla fish items not displaying correctly
#60 opened by luke-bravenboer - 2
[1.14.4] Apple skin not showing hunger point on Culinary Construct sandwiches and bowls
#62 opened by TBiscuit1 - 2
1.12.2 Mods not sure caused by what.
#63 opened by HastumeM - 2
Exhaustion unavailable in multiplayer
#64 opened by Boobies - 7
[1.12.2, Bug] Graphical glitch with high exhaustion values.
#66 opened by yeelp - 3
Exhaustion bar is copied with very high exhaustion levels (200+)
#71 opened by James103 - 2
[Suggestion] A version for 1.8.9
#72 opened by gBasil - 5
Suggestion: A Maven Repo For Integrating AppleSkin Into Build Environment
#73 opened by alexis-evelyn - 3
Move the Fabric Version to it's own Curseforge Project
#74 opened by nmarshall23 - 0
Feature request: Support ModUpdater
#75 opened by dhouck - 1
Tooltip overlay blacklist/whitelist
#16 opened by squeek502 - 0
Compatibility with RPG-Hud
#17 opened by NovaViper - 4
[1.12] Conflict with mod Charcoal Pit
#18 opened by OneEyeMaker - 0
Incompatable with Extended Hotbar or Dual Hotbar
#19 opened by SimulatorSia - 2
Huge fps drop
#20 opened by smithy24 - 7
[Question] Multiplayer - vanilla server?
#22 opened by PrincessRTFM - 1
Suggestion: Style Config Option
#23 opened by IdrisQe - 2
Suggestion: Rift
#24 opened by Diamondman121314 - 6
AppleSkin needs update to Fabric Loader
#25 opened by asiekierka - 2
[1.14] SMP Server Crash on join
#26 opened by Boomflex