- 1
Hopefully in the future it will be compatible with Create mod's Extendo Grip.
#440 opened by usoyume - 0
First person attack animation height will not change when sneaking
#439 opened by Acat1234 - 0
Problem with Shield Expansion still present, action required
#438 opened by CinnYaBoi - 2
Armor stand in sweeping attack that doesn't target them doesn't get knockback unlike vanilla.
#437 opened by cylian914 - 1
Incompatible with Reforged (Tiered)
#436 opened by AzuryxxVortex - 1
[1.21.3][Fabric][Modrinth] Better Combat crashes Minecraft when loading up the game
#435 opened by ScratchyNuts - 1
1.21.1 & playerAnimator crash
#434 opened by SpicyDandelion - 1
Improve the animations
#433 opened by wiisafetymanual - 1
Character phazes through character
#432 opened by AlexaYoru - 1
Compatible with movement animation mods
#431 opened by Dewinski - 1
Network configuration task not support: bettercombat:confg
#430 opened by daveotic - 1
Compatibility Custom Npcs
#429 opened by Adventurers-Company - 1
Attack animations not playing
#428 opened by UnderPixel1475 - 1
Shooting Crossbow at a mob crashes game
#427 opened by ErmGhostDawg - 1
Born in Chaos' Staff of Magic Arrows
#426 opened by usoyume - 2
Main hand and offhand modifier (for dual wielding) dont add up correctly
#424 opened by Blazier1 - 2
First person animations rendering on top of player model
#423 opened by RavensVanity - 1
Config option for first-person arm position
#422 opened by java-jambalaya - 1
(Conflict) Sophisticated Backpack Refill Upgrade Glitch with Better Combat Off Hand slot when handling a Two-Handed melee
#421 opened by GuiGuitozao - 2
Mine with Weapon WHITELIST
#420 opened by ghotiPhoti - 1
Compatibility with camera mods
#419 opened by RavensVanity - 1
Apparent Better Combat and YDM Weapon's Master Dual Wield incompatiblity
#418 opened by Yuubarashi - 1
Damage and attack speed attributes separately for one-handed and two-handed weapons
#417 opened by Jaimarl - 0
Update item NBT attributes to Component System
#416 opened by NyxYoru - 1
Critical Attacks
#415 opened by GhostOfAbaddon - 1
Crash on NeoForge 1.20.1 with latest version
#414 opened by dylanxyz - 0
`java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero` crash
#412 opened by Quadruplay - 1
[1.21.1, Bug] The server with the mod is crashing
#411 opened by MagicalAlexey - 3
Better Combat attack_animations folder now named player_animations
#410 opened by milkev - 3
[1.21.x][Neoforge] Player head clips through screen when attack animation happens
#409 opened by ffuentesm - 1
Disable Bettercombat attack in some conditions
#408 opened by 3247332139 - 2
Please Add 1.21 And 1.21.1 Support
#407 opened by Hellokhe - 2
Hi i would like to request animation compatibility with the Fresh Player Animations resourcepack
#406 opened by BlackLightning-S - 1
Subsquent Hits (holding the mouse button) do 1 dmg only (server)
#405 opened by MinoreMin - 1
Twilight Forest Giant Sword does not work as intented
#404 opened by LioxAcc - 1
Unique jumping/landing animations for weapons
#403 opened by polykatt - 5
1.19.2 - Offhand item voided with two handed weapons, after interacting with blocks.
#401 opened by Farathil - 3
Different speed for each attack
#400 opened by Jaimarl - 3
Pickaxe and weapons swinging rapidly like 100 times when i hit a block
#399 opened by paradox3214 - 0
#398 opened by solonoturningpoint - 1
Axe does not function correctly when used as a tool
#397 opened by Error422-Sans - 2
No Tree Punching Flint knife won't break grass
#396 opened by TheSexyYeti - 1
Better combat encountered an issue during server side-setup.
#395 opened by DeadGator - 2
Crash "attributeID is Null"
#394 opened by EletronicPanda - 8
Cannot interact-use tools when attack speed is 0
#393 opened by Dr-WeiAL - 0
Mod isn't working because it needs "player-animator".
#392 opened by blastfed - 4
Final hit in combo should have higher range/crit damage
#391 opened by MangoLassie142 - 1
Interupt attack to block
#390 opened by MangoLassie142 - 3
Possible problem with Project MMO
#389 opened by Dragom626 - 1
No animations on servers
#388 opened by bongjam