- 7
Mana spreaders should implement Block.rotateBlock
#3 opened by SoniEx2 - 0
Floating Flowers don't spin
#9 opened by williewillus - 1
Flower particles don't have velocity
#10 opened by williewillus - 4
Pylons render incorrectly
#11 opened by williewillus - 1
Tiny Potato special renders in wrong position
#12 opened by williewillus - 0
Missing item models for TE's
#4 opened by williewillus - 7
Lexica Botania 1st person item model
#5 opened by williewillus - 0
Wool Sleeves on spreaders not rendering
#6 opened by williewillus - 1
Contributor renders not in right place
#7 opened by williewillus - 0
Custom sky renderer leaks GL State
#8 opened by williewillus - 5
Crash when visiting Botania creative tab
#13 opened by BBoldt - 0
Crash at Botania + Thaumcraft Integration
#14 opened by oitsjustjose - 1
Particles culled ~120 blocks away
#15 opened by williewillus - 2
Enchantment Power from Inventory
#16 opened by Darkhax - 0
Server login client crash due to Petal Apothecary light issue?
#17 opened by GirafiStudios - 3
JEI relic duplication
#20 opened by TheWhiteWolves - 1
Tiara Particles spawn at incorrect position
#21 opened by TheWhiteWolves - 0
Wand of the Forest Icon and name display
#22 opened by TheWhiteWolves - 16
Headpiece rendering awkwardly
#23 opened by Darkhax - 3
Tall flowers only give item when top block sheared
#24 opened by TheWhiteWolves - 0
Alfheim Gateway Visualisation rendering pylon in incorrect position
#25 opened by TheWhiteWolves - 2
Ring of Far Reach has no effect when equipped via Right Click while holding
#26 opened by TheWhiteWolves - 2
Gaia Guardian's Head rendering incorrectly
#28 opened by Bitmarim - 0
Recipe conflicts (upstream)
#29 opened by williewillus - 1
Crash on respawnEvent
#30 opened by gigabit101 - 2
Mana Spreader crash
#31 opened by Darkhax - 4
JEI Integration Issue
#32 opened by Alaric323 - 5
[alpha 0.3.2] Item rendering crash - ItemTwigWand.
#33 opened by MrGraphic - 2
Tossing items in mana pool on server.
#18 opened by GirafiStudios - 1
Optimize texture maps for atlas
#19 opened by williewillus