- 2
[Suggestion] aging/weathering/mossing
#761 opened by Seth0067 - 2
Block model error
#763 opened by Zarpyk - 1
Where gone the Warning Signs?
#764 opened by anar4732 - 8
Chisel left-click bypasses protection
#765 opened by felipeleite5w - 2
Warning Signs missing from 1.12 version
#767 opened by Kissune - 0
[Suggestion] Portal and other cool blocks
#768 opened by Fenekhu - 0
[Suggestion] Mokume-gane blocks
#769 opened by angeltxilon - 1
Chisel causes game to crash while loading world
#771 opened by theamazingjz - 1
Block breaking particles are textureless in my pack
#773 opened by benserwa - 1
chisel texture series (#) not able to reverse chisel back to original texture
#774 opened by jaxmacky - 1
[Suggestion] Add new variants for stone
#775 opened by CrossVas - 29
Bug - The return of flat textures bug.
#776 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
Chiseling blocks in world should not extend past the floor or ceiling
#777 opened by aaronhowser1 - 0
My items are not loading properly!
#779 opened by MaddieTheCat101 - 1
Some blocks can be turned into ore blocks.
#778 opened by AutoJukebox - 1
[1.12.2] Chisel Dupe Bug
#780 opened by focamacho - 10
ProjectRed blocks
#781 opened by xJon - 3
Client crash when trying to chisel astral sorcery marble
#782 opened by biiip03 - 0
Stone should have a double slab chisel variant
#784 opened by TheUnderTaker11 - 1
[1.12.2] Crash when Launch Minecraft - Unlocalized Block
#783 opened by LEOSAURE - 6
Minecraft Crash on Mod Loading (Log Included)
#785 opened by Wackywee - 1 Rusty Scaffold glitched connected texture
#729 opened by spacehare - 6
[Suggestion] Copy placed variant into chisel
#728 opened by QUEWEX - 7
Animated Textures not Animating (and Ender Offset Wand issue)
#731 opened by brisingraerowing - 1
Add back in missing blocks (iron bars, glass panes, asphalt, concrete)
#732 opened by darchitectlp - 0
Acacia Wood Planks are off-color
#733 opened by ArcDeSeel - 1
Question: Chisel pages
#735 opened by Mrbysco - 7
Chisel block shows strange partial colored texture.
#734 opened by isaiahshiner - 4
[1.12.2] IChisel don't work with a custom modtweaker recipe.
#736 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 2
[1.12.2]A serious bug!chisel can copy blockļ¼
#738 opened by OldKingisdie - 3
Server Crash with Chisel and Minecraft Comes Alive
#737 opened by Psy-Virus - 0
[1.12.2] Concrete blocks 'speed boost' not working anymore?
#739 opened by DeckerMMIV - 2
[1.12.2] Immersive Engineering and Chisel
#741 opened by HanJan00 - 1
Gold is segmented
#742 opened by BaccarWozat - 2
chisel DUP
#743 opened by felipeleite5w - 13
Chisel Blocks Textures Missing on Multiplayer Server
#744 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 4
Chisel block textures missing in gui after death but not in world
#745 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 3
Face culling logic may be inconsistent with vanilla
#746 opened by Brycey92 - 7
asap request debug for chisel and ctm
#747 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 2
Request - Hotkey to reload texture cache for chisel based mods clientside
#748 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 5
Antiblocks Behaving Unusually?
#749 opened by SalmonSays - 1
Fence's connect to chiseled carpet's. [Chisel-MC1.12.2-]
#750 opened by Zippomoon - 2
#751 opened by derech1e - 3
Transparent textures (glowstone)
#752 opened by jaeggr - 5
#753 opened by Matthysse - 3
Multiblock Offset is being reset after restarting the game (Server)
#756 opened by jano1221 - 1
There is a form to enable chisel (using techguns) into old maps?
#757 opened by lsyk4 - 0
Chisel Error With Landlust Furniture
#760 opened by Graywaren - 1
Crash with JEID when hitting/destroying a chisel block with the ID 4250
#758 opened by Xalcon - 1
Chisel dup
#759 opened by felipeleite5w