- 1
Feature Request: Allow Chiseled glass to color a beacon
#593 opened by Cerbrus - 6
Collision bug
#595 opened by Jerome226 - 2
Wrench issue
#596 opened by Soma-81 - 3
[1.16.5] Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling
#597 opened by SirOMGitsYOU - 24
[1.16.5] Bit Saw Produces Buggy Pieces
#598 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Chisel printer hitbox rotation not working & Bit storage item model bugged
#601 opened by IchHabeHunger54 - 1
Water issue
#602 opened by Autumnlight02 - 2
#603 opened by Autumnlight02 - 3
Chisel and Bit's crashes Minecraft after loading passing the experimental game play.
#599 opened by LilBlueRose - 1
Server hang with starlight and chisels and bits installed
#600 opened by TCwater - 1
Game Crash when I use "Copy to Clipboard" on Server
#604 opened by lays24mc - 3
[1.16.4/5] Protection problem for C&B events
#605 opened by Daejangnamu - 1
when youre using a resize mod
#606 opened by MiloCookie - 1
Possible chiseled bit glitch in game.
#607 opened by Qagabon - 1
[1.16.4] Compatibility problem with Modular Router
#610 opened by mmis1000 - 1
[1.16.4] Shaders Error
#609 opened by Holioptic - 1
Chisel Station disappears after breaking with all of its contents
#612 opened by 2xMJet - 1
C+B causing extreme lag spikes on server
#611 opened by homicide-bunnie - 1
Snow is blocking render of Bit Structures
#613 opened by 2xMJet - 1
Updating a Server from 1.12.2
#614 opened by vistangagh - 2
Having custom blocks in inventory causes severe fps drops
#615 opened by updater5 - 0
i want 1.164
#616 opened by munkey707 - 1
backport for chisels and bits and flat colored blocks to 1.7.10
#617 opened by firstdorsal - 1
Chiseled bits randomly change to different blocks on loading a world.
#618 opened by padraigpearse - 0
Multiplayer Rendering Issues
#619 opened by TheMorgander - 1
Designs cannot be copied or placed without crashing
#620 opened by fatherjenny - 15
- 1
Chisel Break Crash 1.16.5
#623 opened by TheBrainFire - 3
Could not find parent net/minecraft/block/Block
#624 opened by ZandercraftGames - 1
Copying a block (Forge Servers)
#625 opened by Arownic - 3
Config file comments dont localize their text strings.
#626 opened by XDGrangerDX - 2
Placing chisel & bits blocks above a certain Y-Axis causes blocks within a certain area to not render (Y-axis changes every world)
#627 opened by MuzzikLuvrJR - 1
Placement of Positive chisel design removes Positive chisel design
#628 opened by bloodtap - 2
Crash Log, 1.16.5.
#629 opened by Couchpugato - 2
Every time a mod is added or removed from the server the bits materials shift and collision breaks on all existing bit blocks making the mod unusable long term
#630 opened by tehbiga - 3
Every chiseled Block disappears and heavy lags after updating to version 0.3.2-RELEASE
#633 opened by hodo1962 - 0
NoSuchMethodError on dedicated server
#631 opened by Harleyoc1 - 0
0.3.1 C&B Crash 1.16.5
#632 opened by TopNotchLive - 5
Inventory/Dropped Block Previews are Invisible or Missing Texture
#634 opened by arisonas - 3
2 and a half bug :3
#635 opened by AndriSve - 1
Bits are replaced by other bits
#636 opened by Alex-1000 - 1
Chisels 1.16
#637 opened - 3
Chisel and Bits rejecting clientside version even if files and versions are the same.
#638 opened by archonxgames - 1
mode change requires 2nd key press to confirm
#639 opened by Rodg88 - 8
Potential Issue with C&B and "Farmer's Delight"
#640 opened by CptPICHU - 1
#642 opened by Vampilai-Games-YT - 1
#643 opened by Wild-Rod - 2
Mode Wheel doesnt Appear, Mod Config Button dont work
#641 opened by GatorAli - 0
small bug with shader packs
#645 opened by mrgattz - 3
Bug: Snapping and wrench
#644 opened by Wild-Rod