- 14
MacOS Monterrey (12.4) - Xbox series X controller (2021) connected, detectable by programs, yet unable to be detected by Controllable.
#331 opened by Frityet - 5
Crash with 16.5 for 1.19.2 Using Forge, No other Mods
#332 opened by onthefritzw - 5
Crash report.
#333 opened by s4sutler100 - 2
Spyglass Improvements Incompatibility
#334 opened by notsobossnow - 1
Minecraft crashes when opening with 0.16.5 in mod folder through Forge
#335 opened by efiminzer - 4
Items and cursor turn invisible when trying to re-order items in inventory
#336 opened by pprotas - 4
Steam Deck Support
#337 opened by RossComputerGuy - 1
When pressing Attack (right trigger), mouse appears on screen, preventing any input
#338 opened by teneburu - 1
Pressing Triangle During End Credits Leaves You Stuck In The End
#339 opened by xKazIsKoolx - 3
[Bug] RoughlyEnoughItems Mod Compatibility
#340 opened by Loregart - 2
Inconsistent L1/R1 hotbar scrolling
#344 opened by Ricket - 2
Ps4 Controller Mapping Not Working
#341 opened by Squinker1000 - 1
Inconsistency on Steam Deck
#342 opened by Ise-no-Kami - 18
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller not working on MacOS
#345 opened by enhancedrock - 2
1.19 crash
#346 opened by TeamCampbell - 2
Controller controlling cameras even when not enabled
#347 opened by Chlobot300 - 1
Bind B to backing out of menu
#352 opened by skybird23333 - 1
Lack of Invert X axis
#348 opened by hungercp - 1
Controllable (controllable-0.11.2-1.12.2.jar)
#350 opened by LordVardus - 1
1.16.5 fatal: failed to mixin keybind(?kind of)
#354 opened by fr1g - 1
1.16.5 fatal: failed to mixin keybind(?kind of)
#355 opened by fr1g - 12
[Suggestion] Add in the ability to hold down the attack button
#356 opened by ExDrill - 2
Controllable 0.11.2 MC 1.12.2
#358 opened by LordVardus - 6
Support for PDP Wired Controller for Xbox Series X
#359 opened by gcongedo - 1
Crash on Controllable 0.11.2 (v1.12.2) when a button is not mapped.
#361 opened by auracreepey - 5
D-pad buttons on Xbox one controller causing crashing
#362 opened by bmward4 - 4
Goat horn crash.
#363 opened by Pitboxer - 1
Crash using Directional buttons in gui such as Inventory
#364 opened by AyeAyeRonn707 - 1
DualSense mapping errors 1.12.2
#365 opened by Num1MarioFan - 1
Crash Issue with planetary modpack
#366 opened by TheRandoGuy - 1
Xbox Controllers aren't working for me
#367 opened by Carterkid04 - 2
How to toggle the sneak button?
#368 opened by LibidinousPsyche - 2
Crash after adding to 1.12.2 modpack
#369 opened by aliatic - 2
#370 opened by 412anth - 1
Needs More Configuration
#371 opened by MobsterLobster69 - 1
Quick move with ae2 grids
#372 opened by qsebring3930 - 9
[1.18.2 Forge] Failing to check for stubbed jei by rei
#373 opened by SSUPII - 1
PojavLauncher with forge + controllable 1.19.3
#374 opened by khalimwu - 2
Controller settings broken
#375 opened by gaberg21 - 1
Annoying paperdoll
#376 opened by DoubleBoba - 1
nintendo switch joycons not being recognized on mac
#377 opened by zeroesonmars - 1
the fix with Epic Fight
#382 opened by 911653534 - 2
when using other mods no controller is reckognized but with only controllable mod it works fine
#378 opened by CursedFR - 1
Controller Bugs (Sensibility)
#379 opened by xAli0yx - 1
No Controllers to Select
#380 opened by Hilpop - 6
Pressing Y button or E key on keyboard for inventory crashes Minecraft.
#381 opened by MinecraftDad1 - 2
Button to craft a stack?
#386 opened by dennore - 8
Autoselect controller xInput2 xInput3 etc?
#383 opened by dennore - 2
Some gui in 1.19.4 is not working.
#384 opened by Ivanoshechka - 2
Radial Menu invisible?!
#385 opened by dennore