- 1
DisguiseLib 1.2.0 on Minecraft 1.18.1 crashes on startup
#22 opened by James103 - 4
Killing a mob disguised as player crashes the server with an NPE when 'Ticking player'
#23 opened by Shnupbups - 1
Disguising mobs as Ender Dragons is janky
#24 opened by Shnupbups - 2
Moving whilst disguised as a Boat does not play the rowing animation
#25 opened by Shnupbups - 2
Resilience against hacked clients on an anarchy server
#26 opened by LoganDark - 4
Using this library for vanishing
#27 opened by LoganDark - 1
Don't know how to disguise entity with custom skin
#28 opened by RedRowBoat - 0
[Error] I get an error every time i try to start the server
#31 opened by ImFiru - 0
1.19.2 Crash so can't disguise npcs using the 1.19.2 npc mod due to being a requirement
#34 opened by KhaozFrost - 1
the mod Taterzen NPCs requires DisguiseLib, and there is no disguiselib 1.19.2 fabric version? what do i do about this
#35 opened by jxckiyz - 3
1.19.4 support?
#36 opened by warior456 - 1
1.20.1 Support
#37 opened by LOKIOLR - 1
Error executing task on Client
#1 opened by Mhowser - 1
2 issues
#2 opened by LambdAurora - 1
Player name in playerlist is not gameprofile's name
#3 opened by mmm1245 - 10
- 0
Entity Tracker update packet issues [MP]
#6 opened by samolego - 6
Rideable entities disguised as other entities can be ridden but not controlled.
#7 opened by James103 - 0
Tamed wolves disguised as other entities can't be toggled between sit and stand modes.
#8 opened by James103 - 0
Leashable animals disguised as non-leashable mobs are not leashable
#9 opened by James103 - 0
`/disguise [entity] as shulker` causes the shulker (entity's disguise) not to move client side.
#10 opened by James103 - 0
(Un)Disguising villagers causes them to sleep in "incorrect" positions
#11 opened by James103 - 1
Entity's fire status is not synced between the entity and its disguise.
#13 opened by James103 - 1
XP orbs are attracted to player-disguised entities client-side.
#12 opened by James103 - 0
Milking a disguised cow creates a milk bucket but is completely silent
#14 opened by James103 - 0
Disguised entities do not play the death sequence properly
#15 opened by James103 - 1
1.17 mixin error
#16 opened by matthewperiut - 4
Using disguiseAs crashes 1.17
#17 opened by matthewperiut - 1
removeDisguise invisibility
#18 opened by matthewperiut - 2
modImplementation failure
#19 opened by matthewperiut - 0
Disguising non-living entity as living entity then hitting the disguised entity kicks attacking player
#20 opened by James103 - 0
Idea: Option to play sounds of entity's disguise, not the entity itself
#21 opened by James103