- 7
cutter dose not work with any blocks.
#189 opened by AnakaiTenshi - 1
Game Crash from breaking block
#186 opened by WillowWhispers - 1
DO blocks can't be mined/ tool choice is non-intuitive
#187 opened by kezmodius - 28
Trying to access the Architects cutter Crashes the game someone help me figure out the issue please.
#190 opened by AnakaiTenshi - 2
Can't craft any frame variants
#192 opened by TenshiS07 - 1
After a Couple Hours of Play, Architect Cutter shows incorrectly
#193 opened by Dragonsissiy - 0
Request - Rail Style Fence ``Metal Material`` combined with ``Wood`` ``Stone`` ``Metals``
#194 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 5
Missing items to craft in Cutter
#195 opened by CloWnicide - 2
[BUG] Architect's Cutter - Fences
#196 opened by Build3000 - 0
Compat issues with Fuzs' mods
#197 opened by CloWnicide - 2
Missing recipe for variants of Vanilla fences in the Architect's Cutter.
#198 opened by GomatiGit - 1
Architect Cutter not switching material slots
#199 opened by thepriz - 3
Architect Cutter no displaying vertical panel catagory
#200 opened by thepriz - 4
Game Crash When Breaking Blocks
#201 opened by InfinityGaben - 3
[1.18.2 Magma Server] Server stops with error message: Encountered an unexpected exception
#145 opened by xan1mple - 2
Regular cut copper has only 2 crafting options
#144 opened by DoctorMage - 1
Placement Preview Rendering
#147 opened by Raycoms - 2
The problem with shaders
#146 opened by WeAreNot - 0
#148 opened by AlexGuignard - 1
1.19.2 Forge 43.2.0 Issues with ''Reforgium/Connectedness''
#150 opened by Totomio - 9
1.19.2 Forge 43.2.0 Issues with ''Effortless Building''
#149 opened by Totomio - 4
[BUG] Three DO issues per Ray
#153 opened by Pewmaymen - 1
[BUG] java.lang.NullPointerException
#160 opened by LiliumTragedies - 0
[1.20.1] v1.20-1.0.104-ALPHA - Post not keeping orientation when building rotated.
#155 opened by houseofdoggus - 3
Adding mod as a dependency to my project?
#156 opened by Steferich - 1
[1.20.1] v1.20-1.0.104-ALPHA crash if I will place a OAK-Trapdoor full in creative mode
#157 opened by DancerVlt69 - 15
(1.20-1.0.104-ALPHA) Crashing every time when using the Architects cutter
#159 opened by Mazzaradi - 4
Reclaiming/Harvesting with pickaxe no item?
#163 opened by Cursedth - 5
[1.19.2] - (1.19-1.0.107) fps drop when mining a block with a pickaxe
#164 opened by DankestO - 16
Blocks made with the architects cutter appears translucent
#161 opened by OccGame - 6
Crashed mining a panel
#162 opened by vulgarfatetoo - 3
Crash when trying to place "Fancy Oak Door"
#165 opened by jouki - 1
Builder's Scroll UI for Shingle Materials Broken
#166 opened by gr2ws - 1
(Enhancement request) Please, add support for Diagonal Fences
#168 opened by vgrynch - 1
Game Crash
#169 opened by rodrigoguarch - 0
Shingles (and other blocks from the saw table)
#170 opened by osirisgothra - 1
Current (domum_ornamentum-1.20-1.0.110-RELEASE-universal.jar) is not interactable
#171 opened by SenpaiDerp - 2
Double-slab breaking causes UI glitch and crash
#172 opened by vgrynch - 0
1.20.1 shingle side has too many pixels
#173 opened by redgoblin88 - 0
1.19.2 Domum Ornamentum Stairs causing lag when used in high enough quantities
#175 opened by Zyrafosii - 1
Domum Ornamentum - Door Dupe Glitch
#176 opened by iShockGIT - 0
more variants of packed mud and mud bricks please
#179 opened by Nick777777712 - 0
Move DO blocks to json loot tables
#183 opened by Nightenom - 3
Architects Cutter ignores variant
#184 opened by sieuwe - 0
Game Crashes "null block"
#180 opened by SikiciBebek - 1
Cannot craft any panel variants other than Boss.
#185 opened by Axyl69